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Park Jimin

It has been a week and day by day, my patient for Jungkook coming was becoming worse. Every night, I would FaceTime him, and he introduced me to one of his friends he apparently made when he was in the hospital. Yeri, she was apparently Jungkook's personal nurse, she was a nice and playful lady.

Yeri would always whisper into the phone mic and Jungkook would always feel embarrassed about the words she'd say. To be honest, there was moments I felt embarrassed and some moments I felt flatter along with awe moments. It was just a mix of feelings all at once. Until, one day, he sort of.. stopped. It has been multiple days since he hadn't last spoke to me and of course I felt concerned. Although me and Yeri has actually got each other's number so we stayed in contacts.

I would tell her how I felt about Jungkook not calling me for days and I was starting to get worried. However, she seemed more positive rather than the negative side. I don't know why, but it seemed like something was definitely going to happen. So one day, when I was talking Yeri because she didn't have night shift that specific day. I heard a doorbell sound, of course, I had to go down stairs while informing her I had to do so. For no reason, she cheerfully clapped her hands and told me to hurry.

"Umm.. okay?"

I hurried downstairs like she said so and opened the door. It was a man with a black mask covering half his face, the mask has reached his nose. "I'm looking for someone.." to be honest his voice sounded just like Jungkook's

"Um.. I think you're at the wrong house..."

"I don't think so "

"Well who are you specifically looking for..?"

"Park Jimin..?"

"That's me, sir.. um what can I help you with?"

"Oh I just wanted to give you this piece of paper, someone told me to hand it to you"

"Um.. thanks I guess..???" I took the piece of paper from him and read it

'Follow the rose petal trails'

Since it was quite cold outside, I decided layer myself with some warm clothing. Just to be Incase, I went up to tell Yeri, but she had already hung off telling me she actually had work. 'Weird..'

"This better not be a joke..." I mumbled to myself as I followed the rose petals

When I looked at the building in front of me, it was Jungkook's house. Many possibilities reached my thoughts as I start to wander why it had been left there. I walked, suspecting nothing to be honest. I was starting to freak out because the house was very dim only illuminated by candles, flowers decorated the hallways and rooms.

It looked like a romantic date, the interior was well decorated and everything seems new. It wasn't like Jungkook's house anymore. However, all I could think of was 'woah'

It looked so magical and the perfect scene when you want something sexual. The red lights shined on a man who was facing his back up on me. "Um hello..? Who are you..?"

"Surprise!" A group of voices screamed as lights fully shined, the figure turned to me as tears run down my cheeks, but this time was the sake of happiness

"Oh my god!" I ran over to hug the tall figure as he hugged me back

"Don't cry.." he looked at me as everyone cheered, he erased my tears of joy as I smiled to him

I tiptoed to reach his length as I passionately kiss him, "wooohooo!" The crowd cheered

We pulled away, as we both looked at each other in the eye with admiration. "I love you so much Jungkook.." I sniffed

"I love you too baby.." I brushed his nose against mine

After, everyone was kicked out by Jungkook and I told him it was a bad example for manners, but he didn't seem to bother. I chuckle at his actions, after everyone left, he carried me to the Sofa in the living room. "Did you refurnish everything?"


"It looks so different.." I still hung onto him

We cuddled as the drinks and popcorns was already set on the table. Snacks also displayed on the table, "wow Jungkook! Why did you do all of this?"

"To surprise you, you silly" he chuckled

I hugged him tighter, "hey jungkook?"

He hummed in response, "I just want you to know that I love you dearly and I miss you so much.." I smiled, tears running down again

"Aww baby I miss you too"

"I'm such a crybaby " I laughed as I wiped the wet stains

"Silly" he smiled and kissed my nose

I felt comfort, safe, and loved again, everything was back to normal within minutes, romance and comedy movies killed time. There love and affection along the way of watching the movie. I just couldn't believe he was in my life, with him touching me and showering me with love. The old times came back into my memories as he smiled and we laughed at each other being so silly. "You're so silly Jungkook!" I chuckled

He joined me with my chuckles, "You're silly too" he smiled

"God, I love you Kookie"

"I love you too pabo"

"Hey, meanie" I teasingly pouted

"Aw I'm sorry, baby Jiminie is sad now" he pouted as he peck my lips

Making me smile again, I pecked his lip back, "hehe"

We cuddled as we whispered sweet compliments within each other ears as we giggled with every words. It was different, especially when you haven't met your sunshine for a big while. Pecks was filled within both our cheeks. I felt so grateful to met a guy like him, he was perfect with every flaws he had, it only made him better. He proved to me that he trusts me with all his darkest and lightest secret. Then, he suddenly made a move I didn't expect.

"I can't hold it in anymore Park Jimin. Let's fuck" I was so suprised by his words

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