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Jeon Jungkook

"We need a break"

The last sentence I've heard from Jimin, I've probably been drunk for the longest time. Tears, tears, tears that was all my eyes could do. I stared emptily at the ceiling. "Jungkook, you want some accompany-"

"Get out of here Soomin, I can't stand looking at you right now"

She started breaking tears, I didn't even bother to look. 'Jimin'

"All you think about is Jimin! Why.. can't you just.. love me? I liked you since second grade.."

"Jimin.." I muffled, feeling another warm droplet escape my eye

I took another sip from my bottle, before I can even do so, I felt my bottle disappear as a hand snatched it away

"What the fuck-"


"J-Jimin?" I muttered, my eye overflowing with tears

"Do you really m-miss him this much..?" Soomin asked, I ignored her

I blinked, 'oh' Soomin appeared in my sight again. I didn't bother as I lied down again onto my bed. I closed my eye, the smell of my tears acted like a perfume onto my pillow.

'It's been a month since you are gone Jimin..'

I heard a thud as I immediately sit up hoping it was Jimin. 'Just Soomin closing the door again..' I closed my eye as I shivered, lying back down, I need his warmth again. Everything felt like they were against me, Jimin was just a beautiful lie to me. 'I miss you so much Jimin'

'I should probably go out for a walk..'

I got up as I went to my bathroom that was connected to my bathroom. I smelled disgusting, but all I could think of was Jimin. I decided to clean myself. After doing so, I put on Jimin's favorite cologne and wore Jimin's clothings as it was still left in my dresser. 'I broke down.. again. Jimin, I miss you so much.. '

After finishing getting ready, I didn't even bother to lock the doors, I went out to head to the park, it was so peaceful. 'Everywhere, everything reminds me of you.. Jimin'

I sighed as tears rolled down again, I felt a hand touch my shoulder making me shiver. "It's me Taehyung, boss don't worry.."


He hugged me as I hugged him back. "It's fine boss.."

"I-it's all my fault.. Jimin h-hates me.."

"It really wasn't.. sometimes emotions get into your way and destroy the things you love the most"

I sniffed, "It's my fault Taehyung! It's my fault.. it's always is..! I'm just a bad human being, I shouldn't deserve to be love-"

"You do.. I'm sure Jimin feels the same way you are feeling right now.."

"H-He's angry at me.. he hates me..."

"Don't think about it that way! He just needs space for awhile.."

"I miss him soo much.." I hugged Taehyung tighter

"He probably misses you too.."

After he comforted, he had to go because he had to live his personal life

I looked down as I looked at the cherry blossom and birds were chirping. I looked down as I crossed the road. Things flashed faster than I expected, 'Jimin?'


I felt his warmth touch me as I smiled, he looked at me with tears filling his eye. "I miss you so much Jimin.."

My eye became heavier, as my visions began to black out, the last sentence I heard was, "don't fall asleep just yet Jungkook! I love you, I miss you so much"

'I love you too..'

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