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Park Jimin

I rubbed my eye, as I found out Jungkook was still sleeping as I snuggle closer to his chest as my ass immediately started to sting, I hissed in pain. He groaned a little making me frown, 'I accidentally woke him up..'

"Good morning baby.." Jungkook tiredly said

"Morning kookie.. you tired?"

"Yeah, yesterday was a long day.."

I flustered remembering what had exactly happened yesterday. I gently hit him making him chuckle, "you're so cute Jimin"

"You're doing a really good job at making me embarrassed, Jeon Jungkook" I mumbled

"I know right" He laughed

I let go of Jungkook as I try getting out of bed making me roll off the bed, "you're so clumsy Jimin!" Jungkook laughed as he looked over me

"Just shut up and help!" I whined

"Alright alright, don't be so grumpy baby" he smiled as he tiredly pull the covers away from his body and princess carry me. I hid in the crook of his neck feeling my face turning red as my hand wrapped around his neck.

He carried me downstairs and placed me on the sofa. "Stay here, I'm going to get some pain killers in the kitchen"

"Ok.." I mumbled still feeling embarrassed as ever

Seconds later, he came back with the painkillers and cup of warm water. "Alright Jiminssi, here's the pills"

"Wha-what.? What did y-you just call me..?"

"Jiminssi?" He confidently confirmed

"Ay yah, stop it!" I laughed in embarrassment, hitting him along the way

He flashed a bunny smile, making me laugh at him more due to his cuteness. We finally stopped as I gulped the drugs and water down. I felt a little uncomfortable and embarrassed that Jungkook was admiring me in such a way, "can you stop Jungkook..?"

He hummed in response as he continued to stare at me. I fastened my pace as I got up from the couch as he stopped and came back to reality, "just going to the bathroom real quick.."

"Ok, what do you want for breakfast?"

I stopped my motions, "hm.. anything that's delicious"

"So you're planning to eat me for breakfast?" Jungkook raises his eyebrows and smirked

I processed what he had just said, finally realizing what he meant

"Jungkook!!!" My face became redder than ever, I crossed my arms and huffed as he burst into laughter

"Hahaha! I'm j-joking!" He managed to say as tears of laughter were coming out of his eye

I stomped away into the downstairs bathroom, grabbing an extra toothbrush, wetting it, applying the toothpaste, and started to move it around my teeth. Jungkook stepped in as I looked at him in confusion, backing way,

"chill baby, I didn't brush my toothbrush, it's not like I'm going to do anything to you" he licked his lips making me turn away

Soon, he finished making me alone in the bathroom still washing my face. After what seems like forever, I finally finished. I headed out as the smell of French toast hit me. I happily skipped into the kitchen to see the masterpiece. The four pieces of toast, nicely browned, were stacked up on each other. A slice of butter was applied nearly in the middle, there was blueberries and sliced strawberries scattered over the plate.

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