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Jeon Jungkook

I was on my private airplane and all I could think of was, Park Jimin, I felt so guilty. He seems to keep getting hurt over and over again, and I can do nothing about it. It was because I was the one who hurt him, I wanted to apologize for everything. It's hard to see the love of your life getting hurt so much..

"Hey~" a mysterious girl said

"What do you want?"

"Do you want any food?" Now I know she was an air hostess

"No thanks"

"Oh come on~ it's good" I saw her lick her lips

"I said no thanks" I looked at her with disgust

She leaned towards me more, "I know you want some~ baby.."

I pushed her away from me, "I'm warning you, stop, I said no thanks. Now leave me the fuck alone before I won't hesitate to fire you"

"Tch, you're no fun, you know that?"

"Like I'd give a shit"

"You're quite feisty eh?"

"Second warning"

"Whatever.." she mumbled as she left

'That was honestly disgusting'

I scoffed in disgust, I couldn't wait to get off this plane. This whole ride was honestly disturbing.. I miss Jimin...

I wonder what he's doing right now.

After hours which seems like forever, my mom had come to woke me up informing me that the trip had finally reached it destination. I sighed in relief, as I got up having my luggage being pulled by my personal bodyguard. I put my sunglasses on and started walking, I can feel girls staring at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

After that, we got into the car and our driver had drove us to the hospital, it was a private hospital owned by my family. So the only who are in the building see my close families or friends, my mom knows every person who works for us just to make sure we'll be ok.

When I went in, I had my personal room where I was sent to. I felt weak so my mom technically drove me around with a wheel chair. I didn't mind because that way I can relax more. My heart was still aching for Jimin, "mom.. when are we going back?"

"After you get well sweetie, I'm sure Jimin really wants to see you" she grinned as I smiled back

"Thanks for telling"

"Never more as welcomed"

I was determined to get well, but the condition I was in wasn't gonna make this trip any worse. I sighed, facing the truth of reality, I remembered of getting Jimin's number. So when I got back to my personal room, I immediately got time to FaceTime him. He answered and smiled, "is it nighttime for you?"

"Nope the sun is shining and I closed the blinds"

"Oh. Well it's nighttime for me"

"How are you?"

"Can't wait to see you" he smiled as his eye turned into a crescent

"You're so cute, baby" my thoughts turned into words that slipped out of my mouth

"Thank you..." he looked embarrassed

I smiled, "of course"

"It's so late here, it's scary without you.." he moved his hands slightly

"Well if it becomes any later, it's probably going to be scarier. I suggest you sleep because you seem tired"


"No buts, now rest because you still have a life to live on with and not just calling me"

Even though I know he missed me and I miss him. It was for the best, it seems like we were talking like forever.

"I don't think I could ever live on without you.." he smiled

"Same baby.." I smiled back

Jimin adorably giggled as I examined his veins on his neck and his physical feature

"When I get, Daddy will give you a rough one" I smirked

"Was Wha-" he looked up at the screen

"It's the exact same thing you're thinking of, love"

He covered his face with his tiny hands, "Jungkook!!"

I laughed, "come on baby boy , don't be so embarrassed"

"Alright, Jeon Jungkook, time for your check up" I looked up from the screen illuminating my face

"Okay, I have to go do check up now bye Jiminie!"

"Bye-" I hanged off the phone before he finish his words

"You seem to have a lovely relationship with your boyfriend"

"How did you know?"

"I have my ways" she smiled, I felt a little creeped out, but she seems like she was in her twenties and seem pretty sweet

"A little creepy, don't you think?" I raised my eyebrows

"Okay, I was joking! When I was about to do your check up, I guess I overheard your talk with him"

"Oh" realizing that was the conclusion

"You know.. he seems like a sweet guy, don't ever let him go. He seems to be the kind of guy that will love you even in his after life"

"I would never. Let him go"

"Good." She smiled

"Alright now, let's start doing your check up"

While she did so, I just thought of the things she said lever and over again. 'Still love in the after life? Would Jimin even able to find me?'

She finished up the routine, "Alright, done"

I still was dozing off, connecting thoughts after thoughts, "Jungkook?!"

"I'm sorry what?"

"You were dozing off, anyway I just wanted to tell you that you seem fine, your pulse is steady"

"Hey um misssss..."

"Just call me Yeri, you're technically a friend to me" she smiled, pulling the clip board towards her

"Um.. ok? Yeri"


"What do you mean by saying that guy would still love me in the afterlife?"

"What I mean is your bond with his very strong, that even when you both are dead. You would still love each other and not let one another let go"

"Thank you for telling me"

"Of course anytime, talk to me if I'm not busy. Even if it's love, I have experience" She winked playfully

I smiled, "finally, I thought this was going to be so boring"

"Well it's not when you have your mother, me, and your lover"

"Just call him Jimin. His name is Jimin"

"Oh is that so? Well okay! I should get going, I have a job"

"Bye Yeri"

"Bye Jungkook!"

She headed out the room, the sound of heels tapping disappeared, 'maybe this isn't so bad after all..'

Sort of liking this idea, I decided to get some rest, but all my thoughts are just filled with

'Jimin loving me in the after life...'

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