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Jeon Jungkook

I smiled when Jimin gasped at the scene where my car was perfectly parked to the amazing view of the theme park in front of us.

"Omg kookie!!! I love this!"

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"Omg kookie!!! I love this!"

"I knew you would like it" I winked at him, as he excitedly smiled

"Of course!! It's been like FOREVER since I've been in one!" He signaled to get out of the car in which I unlocked the door with my car settings

He hurriedly got out of the car as I did the same, making the car was locked. He skipped over to me as our fingers intertwine. I laughed as he pulled me into the entrance of the theme park. "Slow down, Jimin!"

"I can't! I'm so excited!"

We slowly stopped as we stopped to get checked in. As soon as we entered, Jimin went dashing for the first thing he saw. It felt like a job to chase this crazy 3 year old boy around.

"Yo Jimin"

"Mhmm?" As we were trying to shoot the balloons with water

"Want to go on a roller coaster?"

"Um... I mean like sure-"

"Great! Let's go"

"Woah! Kookie slow down!" Interrupting him as we finished the game we were just playing

Now, we were in line and I can tell Jimin was a little frighten. As it almost reached our turn, Jimin squeezed my hand and I can feel his hand a little sweaty.

"Babe.. I'm scared"

"Just tightly hold onto my hand, ok?" I smiled and patted his soft hair

"Ok.." he tightened his grip

I couldn't help, but feel like Jimin was a very small adorable baby. He felt a pure baby angel to me, I'll never forget this day.

"It's almost our turn baby. Are you ready?" I asked, I felt him came closer to me, I chuckled

"N-no, I'm scared.."

"You're so cute baby" I sweetly smiled at him

I reassured that everything will be okay and everything will come out to be fun. Finally, it was our turn and we had gotten on our seat. We buckled the strap to make sure we were firm.

"Babe, I don't think I'm READY!"

The roller coaster fasten in just a second as I couldn't stop laughing at Jimin's reaction. He was screaming like crazy, I tried to enjoy the ride without laughing about Jimin's loud yells.

Jimin hold on so tight as I raised my hands high in the air

"Woohooo!" As I felt a tear left my eye

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