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Park Jimin

I woke up, the sun shined bright into my eyes making me feel blind. I started to rub my eyes as my visions got better. I twitch a little already pain smacking me right in the ass, I sweated under my breath as I noticed the glass and the pills on the bedside table. Next to it was a post it note just having a little 'love you' on the paper as the Jungkook's name was imprinted.

Which resulted to the conclusion that he had went to work. I sighed as I took the glass of water and gulping it together with the pills left on the table which I'm guessing was painkillers. After some time of getting ready, I finally finished and my pain had completely faded away. I looked in the mirror checking my hair and my outfit, it was perfect. I headed out the door as I grabbed the house key along with me.

Locking the door behind me, I went to my driveway and started my engine. I headed to the club as I enjoyed the music, humming along with some of the songs playing on the car radio. Finally reaching my destination, I greeted everyone with waves and smiles. I headed to the locker room, and change into the proper clothing that was stored in my locker. Then, later, I started my shift and headed to my first customer's private room.

Hours later

I finally had finished my shift, 'gosh, that was so tiring' I headed to my car as I started thinking of Jungkook, then I realized, 'shit!' I had remembered Jungkook had told me to quit. I started to panic as I started to quicken up my pace, I sighed, sort of feeling a bit relieved, it was 7:00 p.m. I had pulled up to the sidewalk of the our house. Not thinking of anything, I unlocked the door with the house key. I hummed along the rhythm that got stuck in my mind. Taking my shoes off not aware of anything, then it suddenly hit me and sent shivers down my spine.

"Park Jimin" Jungkook's deep and furious voice enraged within seconds

"Y-yes babe..?" I focused my visions towards him

"Where were you?" Jungkook was crossing him arm looking as angry as ever

"I-I was out.."

"I said where, Jimin" his stare became more colder

"Nowhere, I went nowhere, I was just taking a stroll to the park" my confidence started to rise up

"Oh really? Why did you take so long when you 'take a stroll to the park' " His voice became more serious as ever

"Fine! I was at the club and I-"

"I can't believe you were lying to me Jimin. What did I say about the club?" He tapped on his foot

"To not go there and quit the club.."

"SO WHY DID YOU GO?!" Jungkook screamed his voice was enraging making me immediately flinch

My urge of crying was increasing by just a millisecond, I gathered all my confidence up and screamed


He pushed me over near a wall and pinned me, he kissed, but right now was not ok



I was shocked, my stored tears continued to flow and robbing my abilities to speak, barely allowing a breath to be drawn.

"Y-you cal-lled me w-what?" My voice trembled

"I said you're. A. Fucking. Hoe." He stomped upstairs as a loud thud could be heard

I started to break down, I covered my mouth, I did not wanted to Jungkook to know I was crying, I felt so weak. I ran to the sofa, curling up with the blankets and lied on my pillow. I sat there, tears flowing down my cheeks as it wetted the pillow that I was lying on. 'Why? Why can't he just respect my job'

The question played over my mind over and over again. I decide to take a shower to try and relax. I sneaked into our room, getting some clothes from the drawer, I felt thankful when I realized Jungkook was showering in the bathroom. I went to the other bathroom and open the faucet, I sat there, half of my head was visible. I wanted to drown,

'it's only one day Jungkook.. why did you have to fight with me on our second day being together?'

'Why can't you just.. shower me with love Jungkook Why..? I really do love you, I miss you so much.."

I sniffed as my tear rolled down my cheeks, I bit my lips, lifting my head up a little. I stared at the wall for minutes, thoughts running through my mind, only to make me break down more. I finally got back to reality as I got out of the bath and looked at myself in mirror. I felt pathetic, I felt so ashamed of myself.

'He's right.. I'm a hoe who.. strips for men'

My tears were unbearable, it raced down my cheeks as new ones formed. I washed my face, trying to calm down, huffing and sniffing. After, I went to our room, I figured out he had fallen asleep since he was silence facing his back onto the other side.

"Goodnight... I love you, I'd leave the whole world for you, I'm sorry" my voice break, tears were falling again, I sniffed trying to quickly shut the door

I wasn't aware he had gotten up, until he stopped the door from closing, he put his muscular arms around me, my eyes were shocked with tears. They were running down my cheeks, one faster than another, realization hit me as he was real and not my imaginations.


"Sleep with me.." he mumbled

"Wha-" I widened my eye as he kissed me

He pulled me to the bed putting the cover over me as he huddle over me. He started to cuddle with me, I waited for him to fall asleep as I broke down in tears.

"I miss you so much, I love you so much kookie..."

I felt his arms wrapped tighter around me, "I love you too.. I'm sorry." He was crying, it broke my heart as I wiped his tear with my thumb and kissed him.

"I love you so much Jungkook.."

"I love you too" we hugged and slept

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