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Park Jimin

I decided to go stay at Namjoon's and Jin's house for a while. I couldn't stand looking at Jungkook right now, I really didn't know what to feel to be honest.

First, heartbroken, now hatred and sadness? Feelings are so confusing sometimes...


A month has passed by, I felt a little better, but I still feel my heart holding onto Jungkook. I admit, I really do miss him, but I'm scared to go back, I'm scared he'll be so controlling again. I'm scared of him.. however, at the same time, I miss his everything. The thought of Soomin with him having fun was playing over and over in my head. It was starting to kill me.

I still stayed up at night and cried just thinking even if it's just a few happy memories we had. Taehyung was there by my side the most, he was the one who made me feel better. He felt like a brother to me and he was one of the greatest friends I would ever have.

It was early in the morning once when Taehyung had knocked on my bedroom door. He opened the door and tippy toed his way towards my bed, I stretched and groaned while asking, "who is it..?"

"It's yo bestie, Taehyung, duhh"

I smiled, as I rubbed my eye while Taehyung, I had no idea what he was doing. "Hey, want to take a stroll to the park today?"

"Mm sure." I barely could answer because I was so tired

"Mm What time is it..?"

"Like 9 o'clock"

"Ok.. wait, let me get ready"


I got up and yawned, walking over to the blinds and stretching the blinds open. I smiled as I admired the nature for awhile, I headed into my walk-in closet and chose the comfiest outfit I could find. Then, I brush my teeth as the maids cooked me breakfast, 'Jungkook.. I miss you and your cooking..'

I bit my lips from letting the tears becoming obvious, I felt a hand from behind and hugged me. "Don't worry, I'm here if he's not, I'm sure he didn't mean it"

I smiled feeling a little better, but it didn't help either because a train of memories began to run through my mind until I feel like I was going to explode. We finally went out as one of the drivers had drove us near the cities. We were walking along when Taehyung seemed like he noticed something, "I'm going to be right back ok?"

"Ok, don't make me wait too long"

"Gotcha" Taehyung winked

I scrolled through my phone while waiting, few minutes went by as I began to feel a little anxious that Taehyung wasn't coming back.

"I'm back!" Taehyung huffed as he stopped himself from running

"Took you long enough, punk" I frowned as I crossed my arms

"Heh, it was just some business, I just saw one of my friends from work so I was catching up with him" he nervously said as he scratched his neck

"You're lucky, you're one of my close friends or I might as well beat the crap out of you"

"Man! That's rude! Ok, I was joking.. heh.." He said while I pretended to throw a punch

"Yeah! Serves you right, ok sorry hehe.. I was joking , I would never do that! Or will I?" I said as he shoot a look at me

"Anyway, let's go"


We were walking down the streets when I witnessed something horrible. I saw Jeon Jungkook! I swear I was about to break down in tears, he looked.. so depressed.. I didn't know he'll become like this. I felt waves of pain wash against me, I didn't know how to respond. Then, I immediately stung my eyes with tears as I witness the horrifying scene that was in front of me.

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