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Park Jimin

I stared down at Jungkook as he was huffing, his sweats dripped down his neck. 'He's so hot..' It made me want him even more.

He sit up as he began to take my pants off, I allowed him to do so as I admired his every feature. His hair which was wetted by sweat, his abs that were carved on his belly when he worked out, and well.. his big size that was staring right at me. I licked my lips, without controlling myself for being turned on. I slightly gasped as the sudden cold touched my skin. Jungkook carried me onto the large, comfy sofa, I stared at him as he laid me down. He spread my legs as cold air got into my hole, I bit my lips keeping the moans from rushing out of my mouth.

I gasped a little when I suddenly felt Jungkook's slender fingers inside of me, slowly, he swayed around my hole. Exploring every inch, going deeper, with about every second he sticked another one in me. I had three finger inside and he was going fast, I felt like I was a moaning mess. Sweats rushed down my forehead, as he moved lower and upper, lower and upper. The amount of of pleasure was feeling insane when he sticked his tongue into my hole. Me slutty side was increasing by seconds as the insanely level of pleasure started to add up. Soon, he stopped as he sticked his finger and tongue out. I barely even notice until I saw his hands were coated in my white fluids.

"Baby boy already too excited, eh?" Jungkook teases as I had just realized. I felt dumbfounded for not even feeling how my body works

"Shut up Jungkook!!" I relaxed only to be surprised again as he sticked his members inside of me

He rocked me gently as our body moved in sync, I yelped when he suddenly started to increase his speed, making me a moaning mess again. He went harder, I screamed a little. I couldn't adjust to his growing size and the way he was going so rough.

"J-Jungkook.. p-please go a l-little softer.." I managed to say because all that was coming out was moans of pain

He hummed in response as he went faster clearly getting the wrong message. I gasped as sweats began to run down my face, it felt heated like crazy. "Jungkook! Slow down!" I leaned my head back, "hm, baby what did you say?" He seductively looked at me, raising his eyebrow. "I said slow down.. it hurts.." I said as I went closer to him, hiding my head on the crook of his wet neck made from sweat. "Well what if I don't want to~?" He fastened even more, I widen my eye. "P-please.." tears of pain coming out of my eye even though I seemed to enjoy it. "Fine" he scoffed a little, he had finally slowed his motions. I breathed heavily as he suddenly turned me around.

I was now facing him, he was still fucking me, our eyes connected as I pulled a kiss with him. Our tongues pushed against another and saliva was slithering around our mouth. I tried pulled away, but he had given me no mercy and began to fuck me harder again. He also didn't give me breaks to moan or breathe, I closed my mouth to stop giving him the permission to explore my mouth. However, he had just bit my mouth a little harshly, making me flinch and allowing him to do whatever he wants in my mouth. About minutes later, my climax was reaching, and I couldn't warn him, it squirted out immediately as I felt it all over my belly.

He stopped kissing me as the rough motions still continued, my nails dug his back as I felt the pleasure and pain take over me. His sexy groans and my lewd moans filled each other's ears. Soon, he filled his warm, white fluid inside me, he pulled his dick out. There were some of his own cum dripping down from his length, I admired his big and size, along with the veins on his members. He grabbed a paper towel as he began to dry his dick, after he did so, he dried the rim of my hole. I flinched a little because of the unusual sudden different texture on my hole. Suddenly, he sticked it into my hole and drying some wet spots from his dick and other wet liquid that was inside me.

He pulled it out as I bit my lips, slowly, he inserted his hole in me again, he had no mercy and started to go rough immediately. I covered my mouth from the sounds to pouring out, he smirked as the sight in front of him. I shut my eyes tightly from the pain and pleasure, as he began to go more rough than ever. I screamed and whimpered, as I clenched onto the sofa mattress, leaning my head back, still shutting my eyes furiously. Minutes later, he came into my hole again, instead of pulling it out, he only went faster. It felt better because of the custom lube inside me made from sweat and his cum. I moaned in pleasure, my moans rushed out like an oceans of waves. I held tighter on the sofa mattress as he filled more cum inside me. He finally pulled it out, as I huffed at the relaxation, he had turned me on my back and started fuck me doggy style. He took a hand of mine and continued pushing his size inside me, I moaned in desire.

"I'm surprised you aren't loose yet baby.." he said while groaning in his words while going faster

"Fuck, baby I need to cum" Jungkook groaned, a hard thrust made him pour all his semen inside of me, I gasped as the cum was increasing more, flowing inside me.

He pulled his length out as the cum dropped out of my hole was the sofa, he letted go of my hand as I felt like I was going to collapse. My head lowered down as heavy breaths left me mouth, I huffing like crazy. Jungkook picked me up with the last strength he had from going so hard, we headed to the bathroom as we filled the bathtub with warm water and bubbles. I told him to put me down and I was technically limping towards the bathroom. He couldn't stand it and picked me up again as my body was weighing on his shoulders and his arm was supporting me from falling, "I! Don't! Want! To! Be! Picked up!!" I whined while hitting him but I felt defeated as he still haven't let go, making me sigh.

I got into the bathtub as he also did, I wouldn't be surprised of how much Jungkook wanted to fuck me again when he saw my body all wetted. However, I stopped him, it was already enough, "hey baby" Jungkook asked. I hummed in response, "I'm sorry.." he pouted. I frowned, "why?" I looked at him, "for leaving you again and again, I love you and-" I crouched over to him with the last strength I had and pecked his mouth as he could pour out any more nonsense. "You shouldn't be sorry, I mean I guess some is my fault too, so don't always for the things you never did, ok?" I looked at him with my loving eye, his love and affection towards me was already enough. I suddenly collapsed as the pain in my ass wanted to slap me and embarrass me.

"I think I went too rough" Jungkook laughed, "You did!" I scoffed in anger as my cheeks began to puff out. I sat back to my original position as Jungkook helped me finish washing up. After doing so, he carried me out and dried me up along with getting some of his comfiest clothings. We went into his new  bedroom or should I say Jungkook carried me to the bedrooms. In there, we cuddled and watched movies, it felt like the best day ever, but I felt like something weird was going to happen.

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