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Park Jimin

I was getting my make up done when Hoseok had rushed in the room. "Jimin..!" The make up artist had stopped applying the lipstick on me as I stared over at Hoseok. "What's wrong Hobi?"

"Oh um nothing..! Just wanted to um check up on you..! How's everything going?"

"Everything is going great, Hobi. What happened?" I pouted as the makeup artist began to apply blush on my cheeks

"Nothing to be honest, just wanted to be by your side. Oh, and where's Taehyung?"

"Tae Tae is in the bathroom, I guess he had to go for an emergency, he kept it in for too long" I claimed as Hoseok laughed

"I'm back! What did I miss? Oh- sunshine?" Taehyung rushed back as he casually on the couch that next to the chair I was sitting

"I told you to stop calling me that alien" Hoseok glared at Taehyung

"How about you stop calling me alien hm?" Taehyung scoffed as he crossed his arms

They began arguing as I laughed at their immature behavior, "guys knock it off. You don't want this to be a bad day now do you?"

"Fine, you're lucky it's your big day!" Taehyung said grumpily

"Yeah" Hoseok repeats Taehyung's actions

"Y-you! I- hmph!" Taehyung pointed his index finger at Hoseok as he only returned with him sticking his tongue out.

"Bleh!! What are you going to do??" He made silly faces at Taehyung making Taehyung frustrated even more.

"I told you guys to stop if I remembered myself~?"

They looked at me then down, "sorry.." they both said, I smiled. "I was joking, but you guys better not act like that at the wedding! Ok?" I laughed. They smiled, "Of course!" They squeaked, the make up artist and hair stylist had finally finished. Hoseok left, greeting me a good bye, only to come back to check on me. He also handed me the white suit, "what's taking Jungkook so long?"

"Uhh.. something happened and delayed the wedding, I'm sure they'll get it fixed" Hoseok scratched his neck

"What?" I sighed

"Fine." I felt disappointed, what could possibly happen, was Jungkook letting go of me?

I lift my head as I took surprise when Taehyung back hugged me, "you'll be fine Jiminie" he booped my nose. I smiled at his adorable actions as it eventually cheered me up. "Thank you so much Taehyung and Hoseok, I don't even think I would even be here if you guys weren't here" I wiped my eye

"Now Now now, I don't want you messing your make up because you're crying. Today's a positive day and I don't want you to ruin it for yourself, ok?" He wiped my tears

"Aish, I'm such an emotional wreck" I wiped the tears off and sniffed

"Alright, well I got to go do my thing as well. See you guys" Hoseok waved as he exited the room

"Let's get you dressed up, should we?" Taehyung excitingly said as he shoved me into the changing room

I dressed into the proper clothing that I was given with, I closed my eye and uncovered my eyes as I looked in the mirror. 'Woah..' I would be lying if I said I wasn't just a little sexy. I stepped out as Taehyung one of the most dramatic gasps to ever exist. "Oh. My. GWOSSHHHHHHH!! PARK JIMIN, I THINK I SHOULD JUST TAKE YOU AS MINE! YOU LOOK AMAZING!!" He screamed in excitement, making me laugh a little as I covered my mouth

"Thank you for making this possible, Tae Tae" I pulled him into tight hug

"Alright man, I'll see you there! I can't wait Jiminie! Jungkook will absolutely love you!"

I blushed at the compliment, "I hope he does Tae." I scratched my neck. "Of course he will, I mean he's marrying one of the sexiest man I've ever met after all" he exaggerates. "Sarcasm much?" I raised my eyebrows as I chuckled, "whatever.." Taehyung playfully rolled his eye while crossing his arms. "Alright got to go bye!" He rushed out

"Bye!" I waved

I then took a look at myself in the mirror, "Park Jimin.. today is your big day, don't you dare let your confidence let yourself down" I whispered to myself as I saw my dad came in.

"You ready short stuff?"

"Ready as I'll ever be dad" I said straightening out everything doing some last touch ups

"Let's go" I smiled as I took his arms.

We were now at the corridor and about to enter down the pathway where everything in life was going to change. "Get ready son"

I exhaled, "Of course Dad"

We opened the door and walked down the path, flower petals sprinkled down the way. I looked at Jungkook and immediately saw a masterpiece, 'woah Jungkook..' he looked damn hot as he admired me from the bottom to the top. I smiled, as I reached to the top, I looked at him and he looked at me. I started to remember everything when the priest began our speech. I started crying out of joy as I held Jungkook's big hands, his wrapping around mine. I can tell he was nervous because his palms seems sweaty as well. I looked at him and didn't knew I zoomed out until Jungkook said "I do"

I waited for my part when he said my name, "I do" i smiled as we pulled into a kiss, it was heated, but a passionate kiss. Everyone in the background cheered and clapped as we pulled away, staring at each other side other love and desire. Tears of joy were streaming down, 'I had finally got the man of my dreams'

We started to do our speech, and I was the first to start.

"Through all our ups and downs, we managed to finish this rollercoaster ride as we will start a new one, together. We will be hold as husbands and I'm extremely happy that I got the man of my dreams. I also want to think everyone who came today and the ones who were also there with me when I was at my lowest. I want to thank this man that is in front of me, Jungkook. For appearing in my life and making this possible. So I want to say thank you Jeon Jungkook for accepting my love for you. I love you"

The crowd applauded as Jungkook started his.

"Through my brightest to my darkest days, you were always there to make it even brighter. You accepted my foolish flaws and made me even better. At the same time, making me learn to accept my flaws and love myself even more. You had also proven your patience towards me, I'm a very foolish man and you still picked me. You held onto me when no one else would. Thank you Park Jimin, for picking me when no one else would, I love you. I also want to thank every each and one of you for coming to this wedding and celebrating this special day with me."

Everyone applauded and cheered again

I covered my mouth as tears of love and affection streamed down my eye. He hugged me as we rocked against one another. "I love you so much.." he pecked my forehead and hugged me

"I love you too, silly.." I smiled and hugged him back

I sniffed and smiled, "I'm such an emotional wreck aren't I" I laughed as I wiped the tears from coming down

After that everyone celebrated our wedding and we got ready for the honeymoon after that, which was exhausting, but with the help of friends and family, it became easier.

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