Zeno/Xeno x reader "cute couple"

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(In the show, apparently all of the Triceratons' names begin with "Z"  but I want to call Zeno with an" X" so there you have it.)


 Xeno and you were opposites in some ways and in others you were both unusual or amusing to each other because of your actions and times spent hanging out together. Would you grow closer?

 There were lots of opposites, but that's normal for couples. Let's say when its about you and Xeno, it's more than simply height difference. Xeno was confident and strong, one of the turtles' most brave allies and you...you were like a little child standing next to an adult compared to him. When you tried to look tough and confident, while you did have some confidence of your own, sometimes you got yourself in trouble when you bit off more than you could chew, like the time you wanted to try some work out options with your big buff friend. That's right, friend. Sure you grew to find details about Xeno to like and or love, but everyone had different ways of showing how they felt and as Xeno was still learning about Earth's cultures, right now, it was simply to be there and spend time like this. It helped him get to know you better and you him, since he didn't have much experience with humans except you, April and Casey. You had met unintentionally when you walked into the lair and saw him and the turtles talking one time. Ever since then, you two were almost inseparable, since you liked to ask him question after question about what his cultures were like, what he thought of Earth and listening to his tales.

 When he's working out ...

Xeno bench pressing. You walk in and watch, then lift some smaller weights to imitate him.

He'd stare at you silently, then resume.

When you eat your favourite food....

Xeno would be curious about your taste in food and would try the recipe himself, much to your amusement at the expressions he makes once he does.

"It tastes...interesting.."

Would be what he'd say and he wouldn't understand why you're with grinning like a Cheshire Cat at him, or stifling to hold in your laughter.

"Did I say something amusing or was I offensive? If  it was the latter, I apologize."

"No, no, you're fine.."

You'd tell him, while a few giggles ripple into your speech.

Finding clothes that fit him...

Now Xeno is giant of a male, so its not as easy finding clothing that fits him.

Especially since his body is armoured and there's his tail...

With a little creativity and some assistance from Donnie, April, Mikey and Raph adding a comment or two on the sidelines, you managed to make a big shirt and big trunks.

Newtralizer, Sal and "Yiggie" a nickname for the only girl of the group of salamanders you use, gave opinions on how the clothing looked as they were the closest to Xeno's height, especially "Newthaniel/ Newcolas" another nickname dubbed by you for Newtralizer to give him a more locale or friendly name. He was the height of regular Triceratons, so he was closest of the three in getting the base and fitting of the clothing to feel right. Besides seeing the air and pleased look on Xeno's face, it was also pleasant to see the dynamic interactions of everyone who wanted to help. The turtles knew Xeno was friendly, but convincing their salamander friends wasn't as easy. It took some more discussion before a reluctant agreement, more so to see for themselves what Xeno was like, which meant meeting and watching his actions while interacting with him. His unusual height did bewilder them at first, as they hadn't known he was that tall and were more on guard, but  Xeno proved to be unlike most Triceratons' and his desire for peace and his disagreement with the former Triceraton empire struck similar feelings within the trio. For Newtralizer, now that he was apart of the allies group, he was interested in going one on one with Xeno some time to test their strengths. He was glad to have someone to match or practice battle similar strengths with.

When he tries to make you happy...

Xeno noticed you liked to look up to him and watch him fight, so sometimes he allowed you to watch him train and would pick you up and set you on top of his shoulders, so you could see the world from "high in the sky". 

Sometimes when you couldn't reach somewhere high, he would lift you up. It became a habit after a few occasions and now, he has grown to holding you either in his arms, or on his shoulders.

When he wants to cuddle with you and when you want to hug him....

Xeno would either sit and have you next to him with an arm around you, to make you feel safe or he would stand and pull you into his hold. He thought this would calm you whenever you seemed fearful or upset. Like when you stubbed your toe on the table leg, or someone bullied you, he would pull you in for an embrace.

If you wanted a hug, maybe you would randomly throw your arms around him, ignoring his eyes.

Xeno, staring at you curiously.

"What's wro-"

"Don't speak, I need a minute."

You'd say suddenly to stop him, before hugging him a little tighter. 

Xeno didn't mind your sudden hugs, they amused him and made him more curious about you.

He secretly enjoyed how adorable you were.

(Any comments on the chapter? What did you think of the nicknames for some of the characters mentioned? Hope you liked this Xeno shot, the big pal hardly gets much mention in tmnt 2012, but he's great, don't know why hardly anyone talks about him. I thought, why not give him some love?)

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