*Try this: Thundercats (2011), Lion-O x reader

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(I thought I'd write some headcanons/stories about other boys outside TMNT, maybe there will be some for valentines! These " * " will help you find the chapters that are not TMNT.)

When you meet

 You met the thundercats while they were on one of their adventures and somehow landed on Earth. They were busy looking for supplies when they were chased by some of mum-raa's minions and flew too far into unknown territory, soon crashing from lack of fuel and turbulence.

You were out biking/walking for some air after being inside for some time and you wanted to stretch your legs. 

That's how you saw the cats' crashed vehicle among some bushes.

"Huh? Is anyone in here?"

You ask beneath your breath, not sure if you should really yell. Maybe they're gone, or dangerous!

You backed up, hearing the leaves rustling.


You felt someone behind you!

"Who are you?"

You heard a loud masculine voice above. You looked up and saw a dark grey, tall man with cat like eyes and fur?


You start, still shocked.

"Whoa, wait Panthro, let's talk to her first before we start something."

A teenager boy with cat like features walked out.

You stared at him, then saw a smaller, more cat sized animal by his side.

"We crashed here by accident. If we disturbed you, sorry. I'm Lion-O."

You studied him carefully and nodded.

"I'm y/n..."

How you hang out

Lion-O couldn't help being curious over everything in your world. Once he realized that it wasn't where he came from anymore, he wanted to know more, especially why the people had no fur. Yes, even the simplest of things like that. 

"Why don't you have more fur?"

"Because I have hair instead." 

Lion-O studied your hair colour, texture and length. 

"Can I touch it?"

He asked, curious about if it was anything like cat fur. He hadn't met humans before and he understood if you were hesitant, but he couldn't help asking.

You nodded, reminding yourself that he was simply curious and that he was also eager to learn about this new world.  You could feel him gingerly  feeling your hair, as if  it was so delicate at the slightest touch of his claws.  You could tell that he really meant no harm.

 Then you heard him say,

"Its much softer than ours. If you had some all over, you'd look as great as you do now."

 You smiled looking away, not sure how to answer other than a thanks.

To be fair, he let you feel his mane or fur if you wanted, since you let him check yours.

His fur was coarse in some areas, like closer to his wrists and some of his mane, but his arms felt smoother. Almost like petting a cat. It might've been awkward if you locked eyes with him, but you tried to avoid his gaze, though you could feel eyes on you, almost pulling you to look at them, like a magnet does anything metal..

And that was only some of what happened when you two hung out. Sometimes the other cats joined in, depending on what was there to learn about. 

If it was food related, Panthro wanted to know whatever recipe was available and what the food tasted like.

If it was sports and fighting, Cheetara liked to investigate and Tigra was eager to see how people defended themselves.

The twins liked everywhere they could venture with Snarf, while Lion-O liked a bit of everything.

The more you interact and get to know each other, the more you gain his trust and he yours.

Slowly, you became friends and realize you're starting to like certain qualities about Lion-O. Like how reliable he is. How brave he is...

When any threat  comes

You noticed while the cats were staying, that they seemed to accept you as one of their own besides a friend. They were grateful that you had accepted and allowed them to stay.

Once, Panthro made dinner so you wouldn't have to worry about it.

Lion-O seemed more protective of you whenever you got hurt.

Once he learnt how vulnerable you were, such as how much more easily you bruise, he made sure you were safe. Not to say you were helpless, he simply didn't want anyone to pick on you or for you to fight alone.

When Mum-raa's minions  invaded, he made sure you were out of danger, before taking care of the fighting. If anyone tried to hurt you, he would be your bodyguard and growl menacingly as a warning before attacking if they didn't run.

When its a holiday or your birthday

During the growth of your relationship, when Lion-O learnt of days like holidays,  and what made them unique, he decided to make little surprises for you. Especially if its Valentine's or your birthday.

Lion-O gives you little tokens of affection, such as flowers or your favourite treats. Well maybe more than usual... Since you were so friendly already  in letting him and his friends stay, he thought it only fair to return the favour. Sometimes he helped you with your chores, or would watch TV with you. He tries to give you things he knows would make you smile, so you'll know he's thinking of you and how much he appreciates you.

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