Me? Opposite attraction Raph 2012 x Quiet Reader

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(How does an opposite attract scenario sound? For anyone wondering what it'd be like and those curious, enjoy! Since some of us are bilingual, multilingual, here's something especially for you!)

You were a silent girl, normally observing your surroundings and those around you.

When you first met the turtles, let's say you were surprised, but they had also fascinated you. 

As you spent time getting to know them, you saw how they treat each other, their little antics that made you try not to burst out laughing because 1) You didn't want them to stare and things to get awkward.  You were not very comfortable to even laugh in public, sometimes you didn't like your own laugh. It sounded strange sometimes and you felt certain it would sound like that to anyone else too. You couldn't let the turtles know!

2) You didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings or for them to get the wrong idea.

Other than that, you managed to atleast chuckle to yourself or leave quietly to avoid drawing attention to yourself 

Little did you know they always noticed when you left...well...after a while.

You see you were also "a stealth walker" or "kitty paws" as Mikey would put it. When you walked no one heard you coming or going so you nearly scared the daylights out of your peers.

Once or twice you made Casey or Donnie flinch because either was too busy concentrating on watching some sports match on the tv to see which hockey team won, or busy reading on the couch.

You'd think in Donnie's case that he would've sensed you, being a ninja. Guess he was that engrossed in his book.

Speaking of interactions with the turtles, although you were a silent type, you did speak now and then. Sometimes you asked Mikey what his favourite part about Crognard was and he would talk for hours happy that someone listened to him.

Leo understood your tense state and would try to keep you calm, reassuring you that if you didn't feel like talking that it was okay and he wasn't too bothered by your lack of socializing.

Donnie sometimes asked if you were okay since you looked like something was bothering you and you tried to reassure him with,

"I'm fine! Really I'm usually like that but don't worry."

The genius turtle didn't seem too convinced but wouldn't pressure you.

And then there was Raph... 

He was compelling...mysterious and yet you could see a softer, kinder side that wanted to be acknowledged but...was afraid to be seen... That was the thing about you being observant... You saw a few clues no one else spotted.

You almost couldn't face him, let alone look at him when he turned to look at you.

You felt he'd think you were weird if he found you looking or locked eyes with you.

He reminded you of yourself in that way. While you were not super humanly strong like him, you had your strengths. You could be patient with Mikey's babbles, or sometimes Raph's fuses when Leo and him were fighting. You might flinch if he turned and yelled at you still feeling steamed, but it didn't stop you from sitting with him almost immediately afterwards. 

You found yourself feeling...attached to the red terrapin teen...

Sometimes you looked at him, playing with his pet or talking with others...even training and thought,

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