*Cute moments with B.B. (Beast Boy!) X reader

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(Any Teen Titans fans? Here's a story for Beast Boy's !
Ideas: What if you met the famous green animal morpher?
Suppose you two became friends...and then something more?)

You had heard stories about Gotham, then its neighboring cities, one in particular which had a famous group of younger super heroes and how they defended the citizens daily. The tales of valor and danger. You've come to enjoy reading a comment or two on the fan websites about the heroes and how some of their fans felt. It was amusing to get to know and made you all the more curious to learn more about them. You liked how each member had a certain personality then how they all bonded together as good friends. Especially a certain funny little green boy...
You had come to their city, on a visit to see what it was like, maybe see if you could meet these heroes.

When you met...

You were in the park having some lunch, minding your own business.
'I wonder if they're coming to this park any minute, or did I miss them? Would they like me? Or would they be more interested in super heroes?'
You started to feel insecure about how they might see you...
You would seem like a regular person... A tourist since it was obvious you were not from here as you had to ask for directions or have a map on you.

"Look out!"

Your eyes widened as you heard this shout and noticed that a dog pounced your way.
As you cover your head, ducking down, the animal flew over easily and snagged a frisbee in the air, before heading back to its owner and a bunch of girls.
You sighed in relief, then noticed a green dog sulking by himself not far from the girls.

"Go away mutt! We don't want a stray!"

One girl cried.

You growled under your breath. How could they say that? Suppose that's...What if that's actually Beast Boy?
You follow the dog, watching where he went. He stopped by an icecream parlor. Okay so maybe he wanted to eat some?
You finally say something.

The dog froze, his fur on edge, before he looked over at you.

"Its okay, I saw what happened earlier with those girls so I wanted to make sure you're okay."
If this isn't Beast Boy you'd feel ridiculous.

The pup changed back into the hero you knew and loved.

"Hi Beast Boy. I'm Y'n. I finally get to meet you!"

Let's say he was speechless you knew it was him and were not giving him the cold shoulder.

You explained that you're from another country.
He took your story pretty well. At first he misinterpreted you and blurted, "Are you an alien?" Because he thought you had said you were from another planet when you were explaining that you were not from his home city...
Looks like this is the start of a wacky relationship.

When you start to get close

Once he wasn't busy sometimes you and B B hung out as he called it.

You liked to play videogames or volley ball and caught onto his  competitive side fast. It wasn't so bad though, he was funny and the faces he made when he was surprised that you could keep up and when you beat him we're all part of the fun.

Atleast he wasn't too bad a sport. He just got a bit sulky.

"Aw don't worry B.B. You're lots of fun to play with."

You hug him and nuzzle his head affectionately, getting caught up in the moment. 

When you realize he's basically red in the face and fainting you let him go and he flops to one side.


Strengthening the bond...

As you grew closer, you two took phone numbers and made a private chat for yourselves to keep in touch, which was good when you had to go back home. You could still email and screen chat when there was time. And you made sure to come and visit often to see your little green guy.

When you return, you always gave him a good strong hug. 


You whisper in his ear, since you know he might be embarrassed or wouldn't want too many to know his real name.

Beast Boy blushed redder than the richest tomatoes but returned the hug with almost as much enthusiasm, recovering from your hug attack.

You loved whenever he changed into his forms and you could hug him, feeling his thick warm fur, or huge strong figure.

He loved every minute feeling how cuddly you were and liked to be around him. He never had this much attention from anyone especially a girl and he always wanted to know  what it felt like finally having a gf.

When you kissed him or even just said he was cute or cool he swooned. It felt great having some warm words of kindness. 

When he tried to make you laugh even if his jokes were corny, you liked how he tried and his puppy eyes of hopefulness were enough to make you squeal with joy. Like your heart couldn't take much cuteness. 

"Come here you little cutie!"

You give him hundreds of kisses, much to the little green hero's delight.

"I think I've just gone to heaven..."

Beast Boy mutters with a happy sigh following shortly after. You could practically see hearts float above his head in cartoony fashion.

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