Abused! "Raph 2012 x Reader

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(There's not much to worry about, not too many details. I wanted to try a scenario where one of the turtles has some couple drama. Usually we don't see Raph in a vulnerable spot, so I wanted to explore what it might've been like. Not only physical, but verbal to see how it would go.

The part about Master Splinter surving is part of an alternate idea where he has a pet, like the turtles do.)

Ever since they had defeated Shredder things seemed to quieten down for now.

You had heard about how the Foot was taken over by Karai and made to be "more honorable" her words. Not that she couldn't do it, but still her words.

You saw how the turtles behaviours had changed from losing their dad, leading to

Leo becoming more serious.  Which went on for a while and became a bit annoying for some.

You could see that Raph got agitated by his extra orders and more bossy nature. Though he protested, until Leo made it clear that he'd try pressure pointing him like Splinter had done once. Sometimes it seemed a bit much to resort to, from your view and you felt sorry for Raph seeing him tense up and finally relax when it wore off.

 Everyone had a shock when Master Splinter returned miraculously from his death.

No one knew how he survived exactly, but he had a new friend with him who had helped him come back, a large Saint Bernard. According to Splinter, he had been clinging to life for as long as he could, in extreme pain, but still fighting, his sons in mind. He had felt something warm beside him, giving him some comfort. When he had awoken, there was the creature.

Donnie speculated that she must've smelt Splinter out and dug him, then watched over him, following the behaviour Bernard's have as search and rescue dogs, protecting people.

She had no tags so it was assumed that she didn't have anyone. So the family took her in.

She was good company for anyone who felt lonely and needed something to cuddle up to.

It was good to have their father back with them, but despite all the recent joy, one turtle in particular had a dark secret that'd be growing...

 Raph's life seemed to be full of anger, to most onlookers, mainly his family.

His brothers always seemed to think that he only had fighting and rage on his mind, as if he was a walking, ticking time bomb.

Master Splinter understood that he had an uncontrolled temper that needed curing, but even he didn't understand what was the root of the problem. He tried to help his son as best he could, but meditating wasn't exactly in Raph's interest.

It had helped that one time he needed to conquer his bug phobia, which had grown from roaches to more creepy crawlies. But what no one would've guessed was that it wasn't only his fear... He had been recovering from his heartbreak and was seeing his girlfriend in the mist of his troubles. 

Now that he had recovered, he was back to his usual activities, training, taking care of Chompy and sometimes messaging Y'gythgba, or as he had called her "Mona".

Things seemed to be going great with them, as "always".

You noticed sometimes that Raph seemed a bit sad or went awkwardly quiet whenever anyone mentioned her name. It made you suspicious about what was actually going on.

"You think Raph's acting a bit funny?"

You asked looking to Mikey playing cards with Kitty.

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