You're the kings (Lion King parody)

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(Idea: Based off of the ending of season 4  in TMNT 2012 and a mix of Lion King, so a short parody of both. )

Everything was dark, except for the fires that had begun and we're getting out of control.

Leo ordered his brothers to stay back, while he took on Super Shredder.

No one liked the idea, but they knew now was definitely not a time to argue. They had to end Shredder's destruction before he could do even worse. If he had his way, New York wouldn't be the only place destroyed... The whole world would be in tatters.

 Swords to claw like protrusions, possibly from his own bones, Shredder tried to Slash Leo, but the turtle kept distance, while going in to Slash once more.

It was hard to say who would win, though Leo was the one everyone was routing for.

"You still fight! Even though you have no chance of surviving against me!"

Super Shredder bellowed, grabbing for Leo.

The blue masked terrapin boy grunted, feeling the impact from the collision of Shredder's hand against his chest, sending him back some feet.

His brothers coughed, trying to see through the smoke and fire.  They made their way as far from it as they can, to a high enough spot to see where Leo was.

"Do you see him?!"

Raph asked them, scanning the grounds himself whether they replied or not.

He really hoped that Leo wasn't getting destroyed out there.

Donnie scanned for Leo's form through a telescope he had made out of some glass he had found and some thrown away metallic pipe.

He searched and searched frantically.

'Stay calm Donatello. Leo's okay. He'll be okay.'

He muttered to himself and said in his mind.

"There he is!"

He yells, finally locking onto Leo's form,  being pressed pressed to the earth, close to the edge of a drop.

Raph tore the telescope from Donnie's grasp and took a look. His eyes widened, before he threw it away. 

Mikey caught it and took a look, but not for long, because Donnie took it back in a hurry.

"Come on!"

- meanwhile -

Super Shredder forced Leo further into the ground, breaking the earth away, so he could hang over the drop.

"You're weak! Just like Yoshi!"

Leo's eyes opened wide, then narrowed sharply as a growl ripped from his throat.

He used the strength in his legs and forced Shredder back off of him, while holding onto him.

"You murderer!"

Leo shouted in his face, glaring, full of anger down at him.

Super Shredder growled and tried to get up.

Out above the smoke and rising cinders the leaping forms of the other three turtles were seen. 

They landed and all four took different stabs and attacks at Shredder, before he punched to get an opening to stand.

The four brothers all took a daring leap attack, charging and shouting,  avoiding Shredder's blows, using their skills to dodge, or their weapons to deflect the attacks.

Super Shredder tired as each brother threw shuriken at him. It would look foolish as they bounced off of him, or he tossed them away, but if Super Shredder had been wise enough to watch what was happening, he would have realized it wasn't so foolish. 

Each shuriken deflected was sent straight back with deflectors that Donnie, Raph and Mikey had placed as they ran around him. Each placed one in the ground while the other brothers distracted Super Shredder.

The returning shuriken were aimed at his head or neck. Some hit him in the neck, some in between the spaces where his teeth could be seen. 

Leo made another charge at Shredder, going for the finishing blow.

The shuriken were attached into his neck, as far in as they could go, some laced with an energy sapping poison.

Leo made his final Slash at Shredder, as they both leapt into the air towards each other. 

Everything seemed to flash black and white for a second as lightning streaked across the sky.

The younger brothers waited, panting, looking around for any sign of Leo and Super Shredder. Was it over? Who won? Was Leo..?


Mikey pointed, seeing a shadow emerging as the smoke finally began to clear away thanks to the shower now beginning.

Leo faced his brothers, overhead, looking down, revealing the armored head Shredder left behind.

As soon as they had seen that, the trio cheered at once for their victory. 

The Shredder was gone! It wasn't the same now that damage had been done, but they could rebuild and make things new and safer to live once again.

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