Fan boy! Raph 2012 x Reader love your height

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( Idea: From the moment you started dating, Raph loved to let you know how cool you are.

You liked to fluster him and be more than a typical girlfriend.

Sure you had kisses and dates, but what if you did more? )

SHORT girls

Being atleast to his shoulder, you liked to go on tip toe to kiss his cheek even if you were not that short, it was funny to see his cheeks turn pink when you actually kissed his head instead. Sometimes you just want to hurry and kiss him, so you might jump and then wham, kiss on the head. He couldn't figure out why you go on tip toe when you could just lean in and pull him like you do sometimes to reach, but he's getting kisses, he's not complaining.

He picks you up? You pick him up... Or atleast an inch barely from the ground, hugging him from behind. Just trying to be cute and succeeding.

Can't reach a tall cupboard? If you call Donnie, Raph will march in and put you on his shoulders to reach instead. He's cute when he's jealous.

Ofcourse you take this as a go ahead to call him to reach for something high. Sometimes you just do it, even if you don't need to. You will climb on his shell, sit on his shoulders and hug his head.

MEDIUM height girls

This isn't too out there, almost the height or at the height of Leo, you and Raph are almost literally head to head, except yours atleast an inch above him. 

You tease him sometimes lovingly saying he's your shortie. He knows it's all in good fun and would say you're short too. Since neither of you are that tall.

"Yeah, but I'm still closer to the sky than you."

"Come here and say that!"

Raph would chuckle, chasing you around.

If he catches you, you give him a kiss to stun him, before running again.

Sometimes when sitting, you can try to rest your head atop his, only somewhat succeeding, especially if he tilts his head to rest on your neck.

Shell scratches he loves those, fast, slow, or rubbing instead all of it feels amazing and makes him feel so much better.

When Raph made a scarf for you once, he put "you're crazy and I love you".

Lets just say he got plenty of kisses later on.

TALL girls

Sometimes it is hard to kiss you unless he leans up on his toes, or climbs up a little stool which you find adorable. He will do it just for you, that's how much he wants that kiss!

Raph is like goo around you. He's amazed. Not only because you're a fast learner when Master Splinter and Leo gave you a few basic self defense attacks to use, but he liked how it felt whenever you hugged him.

He absolutely LOVES it because he gets to hear your heart and feel his thumping, it's not in sync, but two hearts so close and he's with the one he loves, it makes him feel higher than the clouds.

Because he wants to have as much time with you as he can, he will volunteer to train you sometimes and exercise which you two do more often to build your strength and stamina.

You might be a little laid back at times, but he loves that too since he can take that as a moment to sit with you and wrap an around around you, or lift his weights so you can watch him work out.

He knows you like that and does as much to keep fit and to keep your eyes on him.

You like to hug him from behind and he likes to lean back against you, his cheeks flushing cherry red as he realizes your chest pillows are right against his head.

Once you're strong enough, you like to pick him up atleast a few inches from the ground. You can actually do it once you don't think too hard.

It astounds him to no end when you take the assertive lead and pull him to you for a kiss.

Cupping his cheeks, drawing him in, makes him explode mentally but a good explosion no worries.

If you felt shy about it, he would pull you close for a kiss, maybe one on the cheek incase he felt you didn't want it on the lips right now.

You have attempted to have him sit in your lap since he looked so small being a little shorter than you and you just wanted to hold him close, he's your baby, you didn't care if it looked weird.

A compromise would be having him lying in your lap, his head using it as a pillow, or if you pull him u so you can have your arm for him to rest his head on while the rest of him is lying semi on you and the rest on the couch.

Kisses on the top of the head for him are expected.

Shoulder rubs from up high make him melt.

If you felt like making his eyes grow as big as saucers, you might even kiss his nose or try an eskimo kiss, where you rub your nose to his. You can picture him turning red from head to toe and see the little hearts dancing all around his head.

You tried to give him a piggyback ride, just for fun.

He was unsure about it because he knows he must weigh more than you plus his shell, but when you insist and that still doesn't work, next two minutes, you're struggling to put him on your back and when you do succeed, you stay like that for a minute and then fall back into the couch.

It still ended well, you're both in each other's arms, as a concerned Raph looks you over asking,

"Are you okay?!"

To which you hug him and tell him everything's fine.

He's really only like this with you, because he knows he can share his vulnerable side with you.

He couldn't imagine doing this on a daily basis, but it became the norm, toned down to kisses and cuddles in public. It felt better when it was just you two.

Whatever your height, Raph loved every little bit of you. So cute, maybe sassy, unexpected and surprising him at times he loved it all.

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