I always knew you Raph 2012 x reader

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 ( This one shot is especially for Raph fangirls who felt upset because of a certain event in the series or maybe because sometimes reality isn't as you like, since how cool would it be if you could meet your favourite turtle?

 Here's a special one shot to make you feel better, enjoy.)

 You love ninja turtles, well.. maybe love sounds a bit too close to obsessed.

You just really really like how cool they look in action when they fight.

How strong and skillful they all look... The way they smiled, genuine happiness for a job well done, family moments where they just appreciate each other simply as brothers, when they are nervous and try to smile their way out of it...

Okay, maybe you do love them, especially a particular red mask wearing short and stout

turtle known as Raphael.

   Ever since you first knew this version of tmnt you had liked how his outbursts came up and then his gentler side that he hid. Seeing him burn up made you somehow amused...

Why?? Maybe because you could feel that he was more than an angry guy. His anger gave away that he had something vulnerable within to protect. The angrier he got meant the closer you were to revealing that vulnerability. Watching  each episode was like a walk through dream land, a perfect world for you. Every time he looked at somewhere, especially sideways the side closest to looking at the camera, just the look...

The way the light reflected off of his emerald green orbs.... 

The scenes when he trained, like the one on the farmhouse when he was warming up, you were certain that when he looked behind after fixing his belt and asked,

 "You like that?"

he knew he was looking straight at you, as if to break the fourth wall. Even though you knew that he was really looking at another character or something else.

 'Maybe it was just me.'

 You'd think, but it didn't make Raphael's smirks any less cool. Seeing the episodes whenever they came on was always like a new adventure that you felt that smile invited you into.

You've heard of many a tv crush, this was nothing new, you were not crazy or alone. 

You'd wish sometimes he knew you, how you felt. 

Then sometimes you got nervous. Would he freak out? Would he be speechless?

 Everything was perfect.... Until he got a crush, no a girlfriend.

When he found himself becoming excited over this new lizard girl from space he called Mona Lisa, you felt your heart drop. 

This sounds familiar...  A girl likes a guy, guy doesn't know and finds someone else.

Except he didn't know because reality was he wasn't real.

But you denied reality, he was real to you.

So much so that seeing him in love made you happy to see him be soo adorable, showing those calm kind feelings he does with pets. But it also hurt seeing him being more romantic with his choice. You stood as much as you could bear, shortly after you stopped watching and tried to break away watching other shows, doing other activities. Maybe a walk or two...across ten miles sounds good.

   It was a few weeks in, though you never actually quit seeing Raph. You still watched the older episodes, but you usually looked at pictures instead.

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