1: Welcome to Wonderland

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Open your eyes. Open your eyes. Look into the night sky. Look into the light.

"Good morning, miss."

(Y/n)'s eyes shot open. The sky was dark, not a star to be seen.

"Welcome to Wonderland."

(Y/n) tried to speak, but no sound came out. A man stood in front of her, extending a glass to her. She drank. The glass was filled sand, yet it was refreshing like water.

"Sir I-"

"Shh, he wishes for you to speak only to him."

(Y/n) nodded slowly, handing the glass back to the man. Nothing made sense. It was morning, yet the sky was dark. The glass was filled with sand, yet it was as refreshing as cold water.

'Am I dead?'

The man chuckled. He shook his head and put the glass away.

"No, you're not dead. Let's put it this way, this is your second chance at life. You get to live as one of us."

The girl's eyes widened. She hadn't said anything, yet he answered her question perfectly.

"He would like to see you, if that's alright."

'Who is he?'

"He is the pirate king."

The man guided (Y/n) to a bright dining room. There were 9 chairs, but only one person at the table.

"He would like for you to sit here."

(Y/n) sat across from a very good-looking man. He was dressed in all black, similar to the man who brought her to the room, this man didn't have a mask on, however.

"Thank you Mingi. Shut the door on your way out."

Mingi bowed, turning around and shutting the door. The sound echoed across the empty space.

"Welcome to Wonderland. I am Seonghwa, the pirate king."

(Y/n) gulped, his eyes were piercing into her soul. Seonghwa lifted his hat slightly before taking it off. (Y/n) gasped quietly, his face was stunning, sculpted by the gods. She wiped her palms against her dress, she was nervous.

"I've been expecting you for a while."

He poured two cups of tea and brought them to the other side. He sat next to (Y/n) and handed her a cup of tea.

"I suppose you're thirsty?"

The girl took the tea and lifted it to her lips, but hesitated. Instead, she extended her arm and poured the tea onto the ground. The tea turned into dirt the second it hit the tiled floor.

"Smart. Did Mingi warn you? If so, I'll have to have him punished."

"No! I mean, no sir. H-he did not warn me. I just had a feeling."

Seonghwa looked (Y/n) up and down, smirking as he did so. He removed his glove and extended a hand to (Y/n).

"Come with me (Y/n)."

(Y/n) took his hand and stood, following him down a bright hallway.

Look into the light.

Seonghwa opened a door and led the girl inside. It was a bedroom. Dimly lit, yet strangely cozy.

"This is your room."

"My room?"

Seonghwa nodded. He shut the door and locked it.

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