2: Set Sail

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Seonghwa wasn't next to (Y/n) when she woke up the next day. She sat up in bed, her legs were sore. The door opened and Seonghwa walked in with coffee.

"Good morning, my love. Sore?"


"I apologize."

Seonghwa planted a soft kiss on (Y/n)'s forehead and handed her the coffee.

"Don't worry, it's actual coffee."

(Y/n) took a sip and sighed. Her body felt like jelly. She swung her legs over the side of the bed to stand, but she immediately started falling.

"Woah! Come here, it's better if you don't walk for now."

Seonghwa smiled and (Y/n) couldn't help but smile back. He picked her up and spun her around happily.

"Yah! Seonghwa put me down!"

"Never, never in centuries or milleniums. I will never let you go."

Seonghwa hugged (Y/n) tight to his chest and closed his eyes.

"(Y/n) (L/n), I never want to lose you."

(Y/n) stroked his cheek gently and smiled.

"You won't lose me."

A knock on the heavy wooden door disturbed the silence and Seonghwa cleared his throat. He placed (Y/n) on the bed and smiled.

"Sit tight."

He opened the door and 7 men came tumbling into the room.

"See? I told you to be careful! Of course he would hear your hard head hit the door!"

"It wasn't my fault that Hongjoong is a clutz!"

"San just shut up man!"

Seonghwa rolled his eyes at the curious pirates. They quickly got up and bowed.

"We apologize. We were just passing by and we heard some laughing from inside your room and we got curiou-"

"San shut the f*ck up man."

"Well, Wooyoung started it."

"No I didn't!!!"

"Guys just shut up!"

Mingi whispered yelled at the group. Seonghwa glared at the group, then burst out laughing. The group awkwardly followed.

"Come in."

They walked in hesitantly and bowed to (Y/n).

"Good morning (Y/n). We're sorry for the intrusion."

"Don't apologize, it's alright. Please, stop bowing."

They all awkwardly stood up straight and (Y/n) laughed lightly. It was definitely a Saturday judging from how the boys were dressed. They were dressed comfortably in bright colored pajamas and held pillows under their arms.

"You all look very comfortable."

Seonghwa commented. Yunho chuckled quietly.

"Well, uh, we just woke up. Our alarms didn't sound. We thought we could make it to the bath house without you noticing..."

"But then Wooyoung heard laughing and he decided it would be a good idea to listen and be nosy."

"Hongjoong was the one who tried to push past us but he ended up tripping Yeosang and hit his head on the door."

Mingi facepalmed very hard at their brutal honesty. Seonghwa laughed again.

"Go on, go ahead to the bath house, we'll meet you there."

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