10: Voyage 294

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The boys were extra gentle the next day, making sure (Y/n) would not feel uncomfortable in any way.

"Are you comfortable my love?"


She sat happily on Seonghwa's lap as Hongjoong steered the ship with caution. His arms were wrapped tightly around her and he made sure to give her many kisses. The boys were glowing with happiness, the Aurora was merely an afterthought.

"So, (Y/n)! If it's a boy, you'll definitely let him hang out with the best uncle ever right?"

Wooyoung hopped up to the couple and (Y/n) laughed. She pinched his cheeks lightly.

"And if it's a girl?"

"Then you'll have to try again!"

"You heard Wooyoung, we gotta try again if it's a gir-"

(Y/n) kissed Seonghwa suddenly and he chuckled.

"I'll think about it Hwa, maybe it would be nice to have a little girl running around the castle."

"But who am I going to teach to swordfight?!"

Wooyoung pouted, he really wanted a nephew. San was just excited.

"I'm gonna be an uncle!"

He hopped around excitedly and nearly fell off the side of the ship. Mingi had to run and catch him.

"Hey! Don't go falling off the ship you idiot!"

Jongho sat down with some fruit, humming happily. He cut up some apples and smiled.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Do you want some apples?"

(Y/n) laughed.

"You guys seem different. I just don't know what it is."

"It's called anxiety."

Yunho remarked and Mingi smacked him lightly.

"What he means is, none of us actually know how to take care of a kid, or even birth one of those suckers."

Yeosang laughed.

"Yeah, we've never actually had someone that passed the tea test before."

Hongjoong coughed forcefully.

"Aka, Seonghwa hasn't f*cked someone in a while."

"None of us have dumb*ss."

Jongho handed (Y/n) apple slices and smiled.

"Ignore them, there's too much testosterone in the castle, a little girl would be nice."

"Glad to know that someone agrees with me."

Jongho nodded and then continued to slice some apples. The voyage went along smoothly, but still no sign of the Aurora. It seemed so hopeless for the pirates, but the Aurora could wait. Life seemed to have meaning beyod the Aurora now, (Y/n) made Wonderland more tolerable. Two days passed and the pirates were tired.

"Okay, let's turn back, we can try again in two weeks."

The boys sighed in relief at the order and they turned back. In three days, they were back at the castle.

"Boys! Come on, to the bathhouse before you sleep!"

(Y/n) called out to the boys after she prepared a bath for them. Seonghwa smiled, planting a kiss on her lips.

"Come in before the water gets cold, okay?"

"Of course Hwa."

She went back to the room and gathered up some pajamas.

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