20: My Destiny

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(Y/n) didn't say a word to Seonghwa when they woke up. He understood her silence and just held her hand instead. The manager noticed the awkward silence and cleared their throat.

"Uh, how are you feeling, (Y/n)?"

"I'm alright, thank you for asking."

The manager laughed nervously and sighed. They pulled into the dorm building and stepped out.

"I'll just be a minute, go ahead and go up to the dorm."

(Y/n) followed the boys to the dorm in silence. Seonghwa was still holding her hand tightly. Her heart ached painfully in her chest. He brought her to his room and they laid on the bed together.

"Are you okay, my love?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be okay? I have you and the boys."

"But something is on your mind."

(Y/n) cuddled closer to Seonghwa and frowned.

"Do you still love me the same?"

"Of course I love you the same. In fact, I even love you more."

"Is that the truth?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die."

(Y/n) gripped his shirt tighter and he sighed.

"What's wrong, my dear?"

(Y/n) sat up hesitantly. Tears began to fall from her eyes.

"One day, you won't love me anymore, Seonghwa. You won't think of me as your world. One day, you'll love this lifestyle more than me. You'll think of your fans as your world. You'll spend every second thinking about your career as an idol. I will become an afterthought. There will come a day where you will devote every breath to performing. Where you'll devote every sweet word that comes out of your mouth to fans around the world. You'll fall in love with being an idol, and you'll fall out of love with me. You'll fall in love with the feel of the stage, the adrenaline of performing. I'll no longer be the cause of your happiness. One day, I'll have to fight to stay with you. I'll have to beg to stay in your life. I'll no longer be your life and your light. They will. And it's taken me this long to realize that it's already happening."

(Y/n)'s voice broke and she sniffled.

"When I look into your eyes, Seonghwa, it's not the same. The way you used to look at me, that's how you look at your fans. The love and passion you had for me, it's for them now. I'm only a memory to you."

Seonghwa didn't realize tears were falling out of his eyes until (Y/n) wiped them away. He held her hands tightly as she cried. She spilled her heart into his hands, and now he had to make sure it wouldn't be broken.

"My love."

Seonghwa sat up and caressed (Y/n)'s cheek gently.

"You will never be an afterthought. You will always be the one that makes me smile like an idiot. You'll always be the one that makes my heart pound in my chest. The one that lights up my world and my life. You will always be the one who's hand I want to hold and lips I want to kiss. You will always be the reason I wake up and thank God for being able to live and breathe. You will always be the reason my heart is still beating. You are the reason I am here today. You will always be my destiny, (L/n) (Y/n). If one day fate decides to tear us apart, I will defy fate. I will fight demons and gods to be with you. I will dance with the devil to protect you. With each passing day, my love for you grows. If one day, our time is up, I will wait for you. I will wait until the end of this world. I will wait for eternities. I will wait until fate becomes impatient and furious with me. I will wait until fate brings you back to me."

Tears were falling down (Y/n)'s cheeks. Her voice was caught in her throat.

"(L/n) (Y/n), you will always be my one and only. My love. My destiny."

Seonghwa smiled softly and brushed a stray hair from (Y/n)'s face.

"I love you, (L/n) (Y/n)."

(Y/n) laughed lightly through her tears and smiled.

"I love you, Park Seonghwa. Forever and ever."

"Until the end of time."


~°☆《 A/n 》☆°~

Thank you to all my readers who have been supporting this book since the very start. This book has put me through a rollercoaster of emotions. I wrote a large portion of this book during a very hard time in my life. I hope this book can become a safe haven for you as it did for me. It gave me inspiration. It made me laugh and it made me cry. It became my motivation to get through a very rough patch in my life. I hope one day, you will find this book again and remember the emotions it made you feel. I want to say thank you again for reading and supporting both this book and my account. In a sort of way, this book saved me and I hope it did the same for you. Thank you again.

• Admin Grace ♡

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