13: Sea

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Seonghwa sat at the wheel, his eyes were determined. Mingi and Hongjoong stood near him, everyone was silent with anger and determination.

"Will we make it-"

"We will."

Seonghwa cut off Hongjoong and he squeaked. Mingi took his hand and squeezed it firmly.

"We'll make it Joong."

Jongho looked through the telescope and signalled to Seonghwa.


The anchor sunk into the water and the ship stopped. 8 men dressed all in black boarded the ship and Seonghwa stood up.

"Pirate King! How delightful to meet again."

"Absolutely delightful, 'Seonghwa'. Where is (Y/n)."

Seonghwa's words were sharp amd dripped with anger.

"She's right here, dear Pirate King."

'Yeosang' yanked (Y/n) forward, she had been crying.

"Seonghwa, I'm sorry, I'm sorr-"

'Yeosang' pulled her up forcefully and smirked. He held (Y/n)'s stomach and stared straight at Seonghwa.

"Did you think that the kid was yours?"

Something in Seonghwa snapped. (Y/n) was having his child. 'Yeosang' was having a kid.

"You motherf*cker!"

Yeosang screamed out at his mirror twin.

"You raped her!"

"And I enjoyed it."

Seonghwa's eyes were filled with fury, how dare 'Yeosang' defile what was his? The air was heavy with tension. 'Seonghwa' walked forward to Seonghwa and smiled menacingly.

"Is this where you draw the line?"

Seonghwa punched him in the face and did not hesitate to continue his assault on 'Seonghwa'.


'Yeosang' raised a knife to (Y/n)'s throat and Seonghwa barely stopped his fist from making contact with 'Seonghwa'.

"See? You can't hurt me, the more you hurt me, the more you hurt her."

'Seonghwa' laughed crazily and spit blood into Seonghwa's face.

"I will take away everything and everyone you love, starting with her."

A dark mist covered the ship and the boys scrambled.


No one could see anything in this mist. Seonghwa spun around in circles, he couldn't see anything. He could hear the boys struggling. A fist came into contact with his cheek and he hit the ground hard. 'Seonghwa' chuckled and lifted him off the ground. 'Seonghwa' wrapped his hands around Seonghwa's throat and smirked.

"Finally, you'll get what you deserve."

Mingi tackled 'Seonghwa' to the ground and Seonghwa gasped for air. Mingi punched 'Seonghwa' square in the jaw and turned to Seonghwa.

"Where's Hongjoong?!"

"I don't know!"

Mingi didn't look very happy. He grabbed 'Seonghwa' by the collar and pulled him up harshly.

"If anything happens to Hongjoong, Seonghwa won't be the only one looking for revenge."

Seonghwa grabbed his sword, he could hear the wood creak under him. 'Yeosang' lunged at him, pulling him down to the floor. He felt 'Yeosang' bury a dagger into his thigh and he yelled in pain. Seonghwa grabbed 'Yeosang' and smashed his head into the wood. Seonghwa grabbed the dagger and buried it into his arm.

My Destiny (Seonghwa x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now