5: Pirate King

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Seonghwa slept in very late the next morning, so Hongjoong was in charge of taking care of the boys. (Y/n) was told to just stay by his side. He opened one of his eyes and mumbled.

"Baby, I can really go back to my duties, I feel better."

"No Hwa, Hongjoong said to rest."

(Y/n) hummed lightly as she removed Seonghwa's bandages and cleaned his wounds.

"You heal very fast."

"I'm the Pirate King, of course I do."

"Don't get cocky now, you still aren't fully healed."

(Y/n) put on new bandages and smiled.

"Tea or coffee?"


(Y/n) nodded and left the room to look for water. She wandered around curiously, exploring the large castle.

Open your eyes.

(Y/n) turned around quickly.

"Who's there?"

No one answered.

Open your eyes.

(Y/n) took a deep breath, she was just hearing things. She came upon a room with a large mirror and went in.

"Curiosity killed the cat. Curiousity killed the cat. Curiousity killed th- oh my god."

(Y/n) covered her mouth in hopes of muffling her gasp. 8 figures dressed in all black were staring straight back at her from inside the mirror. They looked exactly like the boys, but they had evil grins on their faces.

"You must be (Y/n)."

The one that looked like Seonghwa stepped forward, placing a hand on the mirror.

"You are very beautiful."

(Y/n) was frozen in fear.

"It it rude to ignore someone when they are speaking to you."

"I-i'm not ignoring you."

"So, she speaks."

'Seonghwa' smirked and laughed.

"Would you like to set us free, sweetheart?"

"N-no! You're in there for a reason!"

"Of course we are, but do you really trust the Pirate King? How do you know he isn't deceiving you this very moment?"

"Seonghwa would never-"

"Then why would he do it the first time?"

"You're just trying to sway me-"

"I don't need to try, you're already doubting it, you're just denying it."

'Seonghwa' laughed and the mirror people disappeared. (Y/n) stepped back in shock.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n), where are you?"

Yeosang's voice echoed in the hallway and (Y/n) snapped out of her trance-like state.

"I'm here."

She stepped out into the hallway and Yeosang sighed in relief. He pulled her into a tight hug.

"Everyone was worried, we didn't know where you were."

"I'm okay."

"Seonghwa is worried about you, go check on him."

(Y/n) nodded and started to walk down the hallway. Yeosang sighed, shutting the doors to the room. Meanwhile, (Y/n) was sitting in the room, getting lectured by Seonghwa.

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