18: Awake

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Seonghwa and the boys spent the night at the hospital. Their manager had run into the room, a sense of panic filled the air.

"Is she okay?! She's the one keeping me sane right now!"

"She'll be okay, Manager-nim."

Seonghwa said quietly as he brushed (Y/n)'s hair out of her face. He squeezed her hand and smiled. She'd be okay.


"Welcome back, how have you been?"

(Y/n) turned around and 'Yeosang' sat in the corner, he was bloody and battered. He chuckled and wheezed.

"What? Do I look bad?"

"Are you okay?"

He scoffed.

"Yes, I'm fine, clearly."

"You're alone."

"I'm alive."

'Yeosang' spit out bitterly, he threw his hat poorly in (Y/n)'s direction.

"Your Pirate King killed them. He killed them all. He spared me."


"Don't even say my name. Don't say it like that."

"I could've helped you. I could've saved yo-"

"Well you didn't."

Tears threatened to fall from his eyes and (Y/n) softened. She crawled carefully to him and hugged him tightly.

"F*ck you! You and your 'family'! Jongho was just a kid! San and Wooyoung were just kids!"

His voice broke as he cried to (Y/n). He buried his face into her shoulder, sobbing.

"They were just kids..."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

She stroked his hair gently as he cried, he lost everyone he ever cared about. He was alone.

"I hate you, every single part of you, I hate you."

(Y/n) nodded slowly as 'Yeosang' cried softly. He grabbed her shoulders, his sobs violently racking his body.

"I'm alone."

"You're never alone."

(Y/n) placed a gentle kiss onto his forehead and smiled.

"As long as they're in your heart, you'll never truly be alone."

"(Y/n), don't leave me alone."

"I'm here..."


"She's awake."

The nurse said quietly to the group of half-sleeping boys. Seonghwa shot up quickly and started walking to the room.

"She's only asking for one of you. And I'm sorry, but it's not you."

The nurse said quietly and looked to Yeosang.

"She's asking for you."

Yeosang nodded curtly and followed the nurse to the room. (Y/n) was sitting up quietly, her head was still partially wrapped in bandage.

"(Y/n), are you feeling okay?"

(Y/n) nodded and took his hands gently.

"Did you..."

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