17: Lucky

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The next day, the boys had their comeback stage, and they wanted (Y/n) there with them.

"Backstage? As your staff?"

"Correction, as our stylist. Seonghwa's stylist."

"So I'm sneaking into a music show."

"Sorta kinda."

Seonghwa smiled innocently and (Y/n) rolled her eyes.

"And we won't get caught?"


They successfully sneaked into the music show and (Y/n) did her best to act her part. Despite her doubts, no one suspected her.

"Don't worry baby, you don't need to do anything."

"I'm nervous, I feel like they can see straight through me."

Seonghwa fiddled with the ring on (Y/n)'s finger and smiled softly.

"Wish us good luck."

"Good luck."

Seonghwa looked around quickly before grabbing (Y/n)'s face and kissing her.

"I love you."

"You'll do amazing, Hwa."

He ran off and (Y/n)'s heart sank. They didn't have the freedom they used to have anymore. It was different now that Seonghwa and the boys were an idol group. Everything was so much more secretive. The manager spotted (Y/n) and an ounce of panic filled the room.

"(Y/n)! You shouldn't be out in the open like this, security might find you!"

(Y/n) was rushed into a waiting room. It was filled with KQ staff, all of whom instantly turned to look at the infamous (L/n) (Y/n). The room went silent and (Y/n) felt uncomfortable. The manager grabbed her and led her to the back of the room.

"Just sit down, don't worry about the other staff, are you okay?"

(Y/n) nodded and the manager handed her a bag of chips and water.

"If it makes you feel better, they're almost done, they have the rest of this day off. Would you like to take the car and go to the beach?"

"That would be pleasant..."

The manager nodded and took out a set of keys before handing them to (Y/n).

"Can you drive?"

"Yes, of course."

The manager nodded and left (Y/n) alone. She drank the water nervously, her hands trembled wildly.


Wooyoung yelled out suddenly. (Y/n) jumped up in shock before smiling.

"I heard you have the rest of today of, would you like to go to the beach?"

Yunho jumped excitedly and nodded.

"Yes! Let's go!"

Seonghwa sent a look over to (Y/n) and a gentle smile spread on his face. (Y/n) smiled back and the boys got ready to leave. The staff sent suspicious looks to (Y/n). It was strange to them that she appeared out of nowhere and suddenly was trusted to be so close to the boys. (Y/n) could feel their eyes following her and she tensed up.

"My love? Are you alright?"

Seonghwa wrapped his arm around her waist and massaged her side reassuringly.

"I'm fine, thank you Hwa."

They got into the van and (Y/n) turned on the engine. Her hands shook slightly, but no one noticed.

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