14: Lost

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A few weeks after (Y/n) woke up, she was sent home. She wandered around the apartment complex hopelessly until someone recognized her.

"(L/n) (Y/n)? You woke up! You probably don't remember me, my name is Kim Chungha, I'm your neighbor. Let me bring you to your apartment."

Chungha smiled kindly and (Y/n) felt like she could trust her. She gave Chungha her keys and followed her to her apartment. Chungha opened the door and gestured inside.

"Here you go! Apartment 1117! Welcome home!"

"Thank you."

Chungha bowed slightly and went into her own apartment. (Y/n) walked inside and a sense of familiarity overtook her. The scent of an ocean breeze welcomed her back home. She shut the door behind her and walked into her room. The sight of a small crystal necklace on her bedside table shocked her. It looked exactly like the Aurora. (Y/n)'s eyes filled with tears and she dropped to her knees. She sobbed into her hands, her tears falling onto the white carpet. Images of Seonghwa hitting the floor flashed through her mind as her screams filled the room. Her heart was heavy with guilt. She felt broken.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

Chungha called for her softly through the door.

"(Y/n)? I'm coming in."

Chungha unlocked the door and walked to the room. (Y/n) lay on the floor, her face was red and glistened with tears.

"Hey (Y/n)! (Y/n)!"

(Y/n) clutched the necklace to her chest as she breathed shakily. Chungha managed to get (Y/n) in bed and gave her water.

"Please don't hesitate to call me, I'm right next door."

She left and (Y/n) sat in bed. Memories of Wonderland filled her head. Seonghwa. The Mist. She felt so alone. The crystal glowed warmly and (Y/n) started to cry again.

"Seonghwa, what do I do?"

A knock at the door snapped her out of her trance. She walked carefully to the door and opened it. A man stood outside with a package.

"(L/n) (Y/n)?"

(Y/n) nodded and he stretched out his hand. She took the package and the man left without another word. She locked the door and sat at the kitchen table.

"Who would send me a package if I just got out of a coma?"

She ripped the box open and smaller box was inside. She opened the lid carefully to find a gold compass. It was tied to a letter.

I will find you again.

It had to have been Seonghwa. But he was dead. (Y/n) opened the compass slightly and it chimed. The melody seemed familiar, but she didn't know where she heard it from.

(Y/n)? How are you feeling my love? Would you feel better if I sang for you?

Seonghwa's voice filled her head and her heart skipped a beat. It was the song Seonghwa would sing for her when she felt sad. She opened the compass more to find a silver ring inside. It was Seonghwa. He was alive. She took the ring and placed it in the palm of her hand. It had an engraving on it.

With all my love, Hwa

It was him! He was alive! (Y/n) laughed in joy, and put the ring on. It still fit perfectly. She stood up and decided.

"I need to find them."

She rushed out the door and knocked on Chungha's apartment. Chungha opened the door, she was half-asleep.

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