6: Yeosang

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'Yeosang' sat in the library, frustrated.

"Where is it? Where is it?!"

He threw down books in anger. He threw his hands down and books flew off their shelves as he yelled furiously.

"We've been on 293 voyages and not a single lead! How incompetent can this Seonghwa be?!"

'Yeosang' grumbled and waved his hand. The books flew back into the shelves. He walked out of the library and sighed. He wouldn't fail this time, but (Y/n) was in the way. He went to the mirror room where 'Seonghwa' was waiting. He stood in front of the mirror and sighed.

"She found out."

"You're useless. I will send someone else-"

"No! I can do this. We are clos-"

"Close is incorrect, they've been on nearly 300 voyages. You are useless to me. I will send Wooyoung."

"You will not. I can do this, alone."

Yeosang laughed at 'Yeosang' from inside the mirror.

"You heard the man, you're useless. I told you (Y/n) was smart."

'Seonghwa' growled, tugging sharply on Yeosang. He fell to the ground and 'Yeosang' smirked.

"What can you do? Laugh at me? You're more useless than I am. In that mirror you're nothing."

'Seonghwa' dragged Yeosang away and frowned.

"You will get that treasure, and eliminate that girl along the way. I was considering sparing her and keeping for myself, but she's become too much of an obstacle."

"Yes, sir."

'Yeosang' bowed and left the room. He walked to the bath house and joined the boys in the bath. Jongho's voice cut through the sound of splashing water.

"Yeosang! Where were you?"

He laughed, removing his shirt.

"I just wanted to hide in the library, it's not everyday I get to have peace and quiet away from Wooyoung."

"Hey! That's offensive!"

"But it's true, Wooyoung."

'Yeosang' forced a laugh and went into the bath.

"Man, where's (Y/n) when we need her? I liked it when she prepared the tub for us..."

San whined as Wooyoung dunked his head under the water. Yeosang laughed and then grimaced secretly. He hated the girl, she was smart and powerful. She was the only thing standing in the way of his plans.

"Look out!"

Jongho jumped into the water, splashing everyone within 5 feet of him. 'Yeosang' spit out the water, laughing.

"You're gonna pay for that!"

'Yeosang' did enjoy the company, however. It was lonely in the mirror, and 'Seonghwa' was too strict for his own good will. It felt good to have a family, but 'Yeosang' couldn't let that stop him.


(Y/n) yelled from the hallway. She wasn't happy.

"Look at the mess you made! Come on, get out!"

(Y/n) sighed and handed each of the boys a towel. She leaned down and whispered to 'Yeosang' as he took the towel.

"If you hurt any of them, I will make sure you feel the pain of a thousand deaths."

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