16: Promise

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(Y/n) woke up the next morning in a cold sweat. The compass was spinning crazily in her hand. It spun for a few more seconds before it stopped.

"Chungha. Chungha!"


Chungha looked up groggily and spotted the compass.

"It stopped spinning."

(Y/n) nodded and Chungha sprung up.

"It stopped spinning!!"

The two girls jumped up and got ready to leave immediately. They sprinted downstairs and checked out.

"You girls look like you're in a rush!"

The woman handed them some bread and sent them on their way. They rushed to the car and began following the compass. They drove for a few hours before reaching a salon. It was closed and the drapes were drawn. Security guards surrounded the building.

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to turn around."

"I'm sorry, we just need to pass through this roa-"

"I'm going to need you to turn around."

The man said sternly and Chungha nodded. She had to turn the car around. The man didn't smile or even nod to the women. (Y/n) sighed and clutched the gold compass.

"I need to go inside."

"I'm sorry ma'am, I really can't let you."

"I need to see Park Seonghwa."

(Y/n) said sternly, she didn't even recall knowing Seonghwa's full name, it just came to her suddenly.

"I don't know who you're referring to."

"To hell you do, I didn't follow around this gold compass to be stood up by some incompetent a-hole like you. I suggest you let me in before sh*t escalates."

The security guard squinted at (Y/n). He wasn't going to back down anytime soon.

"I suggest you leave ma'am before you get into trouble."

Chungha sighed.

"Let's go (Y/n), he isn't here."

The drapes were opened and the salon was empty. (Y/n)'s heart dropped. The two left reluctantly.


"I'm never gonna find him, am I?"

"You will..."

Chungha said quietly, she didn't want to see (Y/n) so heartbroken.

"Let's go get ice cream."

(Y/n) sunk into the seat.

"Chocolate ice cream?"


"With extra whipped cream and fudge drizzle?"

Chungha laughed.

"Yes, of course."

(Y/n) smiled slightly and Chungha looked for the nearest ice cream shop. They stopped by a small ice cream shop and went inside. A quiet voice greeted them and they bowed.

"How can I help you?"

The two girls sat down and a young man handed them a small pink menu.

"It's kind of cold for you two to be looking for ice cream."

The man laughed and extended his hand.

"My name is Lee David, would you guys like some hot chocolate? Free of charge."

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