4: The Castle

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They reached the castle and Mingi helped Seonghwa get the bullet out his stomach. (Y/n) stood by as Seonghwa cried out in pain. He writhed in agony as Mingi tried to remove, not one, but several bullets lodged in his stomach.

"(Y/n), please..."

Seonghwa wheezed. He reached for (Y/n) desperately. She grabbed his hand, holding it as he yelled out in pain.

"Mingi, Mingi stop please, you're hurting him."

"I'm almost done."


(Y/n) swat Mingi's hand away and sighed.

"You're hurting him, I'll do it."

Mingi sighed and took off his gloves.

"I'll be outside if you need me."

(Y/n) nodded and put on a pair of gloves. The door shut behind the girl and she sighed.

"This is gonna hurt like a motherf*cker."

Seonghwa nodded, covering his face with his hands. (Y/n) carefully used her magic to remove the bullet as Seonghwa screamed in pain.

"Oh my f*cking god! It f*cking hurts!"

(Y/n) quickly pulled out the last bullet and Seonghwa sighed. The sheets were covered in blood, and so was Seonghwa.

"Don't sit up."

"Your tone is a little harsh, isn't it?"

(Y/n) laughed.

"I don't know, maybe it was harsh not telling me it's been two weeks? Not two days?"

"I mean, now it's been about two weeks and a half."

"That's not helping your situation at all. I'm still very much upset at you."

Seonghwa knew exactly what he did wrong, he was just too afraid to tell her.

"Let me go with you. It's my first day, I don't want to be alone."

(Y/n) frowned, remembering when she asked Seonghwa to let her join him.

"That wasn't my first day was it? Was it?!"

"No. No it wasn't."

(Y/n) laughed, she was so stupid and naive.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry okay? I know, I know I made a mistake."

"If you know, then why are you making me forget?"

"I don't know what you're tal-"

"In the back of my mind Hwa, I have these images, memories I don't remember. What did you do?"


Seonghwa sighed, was he too afraid to tell her? Or was he too afraid of the truth?

"I took away those memories. I did it because you aren't meant to be here. (Y/n), you're not like me and the others. We're stuck here, but you, you can leave. You're destined to escape Wonderland. You're destined to leave me...."

(Y/n) opened the door and sighed.

"Mingi, help him get up and change the sheets. I'll draw a bath for the boys and for him."

Mingi nodded and started helping Seonghwa as (Y/n) walked to the bath house. She drew a hot bath for the boys and smiled, throwing in some buttermilk to get rid of the smell of sea salt.

"Boys! Bath's ready!"


Hongjoong came running in first, diving into the bath.

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