3: Voyage 293

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Hongjoong and Mingi lifted the anchor and the ship lurched forward. (Y/n) stuck by Seonghwa's side as he steered the ship east. Watching him focused on controlling the course of the voyage was a new perspective to (Y/n), but it didn't bother her. She was allowed to walk freely with the others, whereas in the castle she was on a strict 'Do not speak unless spoken to' rule. She planted a quick kiss on his cheek and went to explore the ship.

"Be careful, my love."

"I'm always careful, my king."

He smiled and continued steering the ship out of the castle's protected harbor. As soon as they got out of the harbor, the others got to work. (Y/n) walked around, talking with the boys while she had the chance.


Mingi turned around and smiled.

"Good afternoon, (Y/n). Are you enjoying the voyage so far?"

"I'm enjoying the freedom, and the fresh air. I didn't know that the sky was actually something other than dark here."

"That's just the protective wall around the castle, it's really beautiful outside of the harbor."

"It is, I wish we could go out more."

Mingi frowned.

"Seonghwa put up that protective wall centuries ago, before any of us were here, the wall was already up. No one knows why, but maybe Hongjoong might, he was the first to arrive to Wonderland after Seonghwa."

Mingi was silent for a minute, but smiled brightly.

"Well, enjoy the voyage (Y/n)."

"I will."

(Y/n) stood at the edge of the deck, staring into the water. She sighed and traced patterns on the wood. She stood there for hours, thinking and contemplating.

'Why am I here? Why do I feel like I'm not meant to be here?'

Seonghwa caught a glimpse of (Y/n) and frowned. He called over Hongjoong and told him to take over for a minute. He walked to (Y/n) and held her hand.

"My love, is something wrong?"

"No, no, everything is just fine."

Seonghwa took (Y/n)'s face into his hands and smiled sadly.

"No, something is wrong."

(Y/n) frowned, hugging Seonghwa and burying her face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair.

"What's wrong (Y/n)?"

There was silence for a few minutes before (Y/n) answered.

"Do I belong here Seonghwa? Am I meant to be here with you? Standing here, holding you like this?"

"Of course you do, you belong here. The-"

Wooyoung's voice cut through the air sharply.

"Captain! Incoming Bogeys!"

Seonghwa's eyes flashed with fear and then nothing. He kissed (Y/n) and stroked her hair. He began running to Wooyoung, but (Y/n) grabbed his arm.


"Hide, please, I need you safe."

Seonghwa broke free from (Y/n)'s grip and was knocked down by what looked like a skeleton. (Y/n) hid behind the staircase, careful to stay quiet. San pulled the Bogey off of Seonghwa, launching the skeleton 50 feet to the right. There were at least 20 Bogeys, and more were climbing up the sides of the ship. Seonghwa got distracted, a bullet buried itself into his stomach.

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