15: Zero to One

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The boys sat down in the practice room, exhausted. Say My Name blasted through the speakers.

"15 minute break please!"

The boys were extremely out of breath and covered in sweat. Seonghwa collapsed onto the couch and the others followed.

"Wooyoung! Turn up the AC please!"

San groaned out as he faceplanted on the floor in front of the others. They had been practicing for 6 hours, they still had another 8 hours of practice. Seonghwa took out his phone, calling someone. He stepped out the practice room and sighed.


Changbin's familiar voice answered back full of charisma.

"I'm sorry for calling, you're probably busy."

"No, it's okay, I'm with Chan-hyung. The others are at the dorm."

"Did you find anything on her?"

"(L/n) (Y/n), age 20, she lives in Star Luxury Apartments in apartment 1117. She was in a 3 month coma until she suddenly woke up 3 weeks ago."

"Anything else?"

"If you're asking if she has a boyfriend or anything like that, no. She lost both her parents and her older sister in a car crash in April of last year. The closest person to her right now is her neighbor, Kim Chungha. But when me and Chan-hyung went to check, both weren't home. The couple across the hall from them said that they suddenly left one night at 2 in the morning."

"Is it possible I can question them?"

"I'm sure they wouldn't mind, they were very nice when we met them. Nam, their last names were Nam."

"Thank you Changbin."

"No problem, tell the others we said hi."

"I will."

Seonghwa hung up and walked back into the practice room. He walked in and Hongjoong immediately knew from the look on his face.

"Did you find her?"


The mood immediately dropped in the practice room. Everyone had been on edge since Mingi said he saw her that one day. They all wanted to see her again.

"But I did find information on her."

Everyone perked up. Their managers and staff groaned slightly, they would want to skip practice to investigate.

"Star Luxury Apartments, apartment 1117."

"Let's go!"

The boys got into the car and Seonghwa started the car. They drove to the apartment complex and walked in, careful to hide their faces. They found the apartment and knocked on the door across from it. A woman opened the door and smiled softly.

"Eric, there's some people at the door, I'm letting them in."

"I don't have a shirt on!"

The woman gestured them inside and smiled.

"Your friend Changbin was here earlier today, so I had a feeling you would come."

A man came into the living room, he smiled brightly.

"Your friend was here earlier."

The group sat down in the living room and Seonghwa explained why he was looking for (Y/n). He told them the entire story of Wonderland. At first, they didn't believe him, but the boys convinced them.

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