8: Trauma

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(Y/n)'s head pounded painfully. It was like reality was splitting right before her eyes. Voices filled her head and she couldn't distinguish who was saying what. 'Yeosang' laughed, he stood in the corner of the room as (Y/n) sat on the bed crying.

"Cry all you want, I can do this forever, they can't get me here. In your head."

(Y/n) lifted her head, glaring at 'Yeosang' in anger.

"You're a monster."

"Only because you asked for it."

She grimaced at him and he laughed. He sat down on the bed across from her and looked her in the eyes. They sat like this for what seemed like hours, until he grabbed her neck and smiled crazily.

"It's only us two here. Let's have some fun."

'Yeosang' pinned her onto the bed, and she grabbed his arm and struggled.

"Let me go!"

He grabbed her arms, pushing her onto bed and laughing.

"No one can hear you scream here (Y/n). It's just you and me, in your head."

She shrieked in pain. It was like fire spread throughout her body, she hated it. Every second of the act. It was like hell. 'Yeosang' could care less. Sex was sex. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Sleep tight, princess."

(Y/n) shivered, her body was numb and naked. She felt dirty. Outside her head, her physical body was unresponsive.

"Mingi, what's going on?"

"I-i can't get into her head. I don't know what's going on."

Seonghwa grabbed (Y/n)'s hands and held them tight.

"Come on baby, you have to work with us."

In her head, hours passed. Each filled with what seemed like hellfire growing in her stomach. 'Yeosang' was ruthless and had no remorse for her whatsoever.

"Please, stop...."

'Yeosang' laughed.

"This is my world (Y/n), I do what I need to do to get you to comply."

(Y/n) flinched back as 'Yeosang' grabbed her chin.

"The longer you resist, the worse it will be for you."

"F*ck off."

She spat in his face and he grimaced. He grabbed her hair and pulled her closer.

"You have nothing in this world, absolutely nothing. It's just you and me. I suggest you start complying with me soon."


'Yeosang' glared at (Y/n) and threw her down onto the bed.

"You're nothing but a stupid b*tch."

He walked out and (Y/n) sat up slowly. She couldn't get out, she tried.

Look into the light.

It was the voice again. Ringing in her head, over and over again.

(Y/n), look into the light. Open your eyes.

She covered her ears in hopes of shutting it out.

Open your eyes. Open....

Her eyes shot open and she gasped for air. Mingi and Seonghwa were sitting near her on the bed.


Seonghwa wrapped his arms around (Y/n) tightly.


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