11: The Tower

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(Y/n) fell to her knees, her heart felt like it was broken in thousands of pieces. Seonghwa dove to the ground, grabbing her and shielding her from the shards of crystal and glass.

"Baby, baby..."

He was crying and cradling her in his arms. (Y/n)'s eyes overflowed with tears as she laid numb.


Glass shards had buried themselves in Seonghwa's arms and back. He rocked bsck and forth, holding the girl tightly.


His voice came out raspy and he choked on his tears. Yeosang was shocked, no one had ever made the Pirate King cry.


Yeosang dove to the tile, grabbing her hand. The hall was engulfing into flames and the windows were about to implode on themselves. He held her down, but she didn't try and resist. Seonghwa clung onto her tighter, sobbing into her shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my love. Please, please..."

Do you feel that (Y/n)? That's called betrayal

(Y/n) couldn't argue with 'Yeosang'. She felt betrayed. She felt hurt. Suddenly, pain shot up her body. A silent scream escaped her lips. It was like fire licking at her skin. She grabbed Seonghwa's shirt, desperate to make the pain go away. A crystal shard had buried itself into her thigh. Her voice seemed nonexistent as she begged for help.

Does it hurt? This is your own doing

Seonghwa tried to lift the girl, being careful as to not move her leg. He carried her to the East Tower, no one had gone there in centuries. There was a small bed and the bare necessities. He laid her down and apologized.

"I'm sorry..."

He pulled the shard out slowly as (Y/n) screamed. It was clearly painful. Seonghwa apologized again before treating the wound. It was 3 hours before (Y/n) finally spoke to him.

"You lied to me."

"I-i did..."

"You promised me."

"I did."

Seonghwa sat at the edge of the bed, blood covering his back and the entirety of his left arm. (Y/n) felt at fault.

"I should be the one apologizing to you, Hwa."

"No. This was my doing."

Seonghwa turned to face (Y/n), his face was red and his eyes were slightly puffy. She made him cry. She never wanted to see him cry.

"You cried..."

"It wasn't much."

"But I made you cry."

(Y/n) sat up slowly, her hands reaching for Seonghwa, but she was stuck. She was chained to the bed.

"You chained me?"

Seonghwa hung his head, he felt so guilty.

"I-i did."

(Y/n)'s face softened, she had scared him. So much to the point that he had to chain her.

"Come here, let me help you with the glass."

Seonghwa made his way to her side of the bed and sat down. She removed the shards carefully and properly dressed the wounds.

"I'm sorry, Seonghwa."

"Please, don't apologize."

He turned around to face her and smiled softly. She was still so beautiful to him. Her arms extended to him and he buried himself in them.

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