9: The Mirror

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Shattered, the mirror people were useless. The world he had created, sealed away. 'Seonghwa' watched silently from the bedroom mirror, his anger rising at the Pirate King. He had everything. Wonderland, Freedom, (Y/n). Whatever he wanted was his. All but the treasure. The Aurora. The gift of life. 'Seonghwa' wanted it. Needed it. Desired it with his whole being. His mind was twisted with bitterness. He would sit still, watching the two from the mirror. Envying them. Hating them. Hating him. He locked him away all those centuries ago. Him and his people would tolerate it no longer.


'Hongjoong' whispered as to not alert the Pirate King of their presence.

"Does it not disturb you to watch them?"

"Why should it?"

'Seonghwa' could not distinguish between his emotions. He had none. Only anger and hate.

"Does it not bother you to envy him? You have spent all your life hating him."

"He brought this hate upon himself."

'Hongjoong' nodded. He could do nothing to sway 'Seonghwa'. He was too stubborn with disdain. 'Yunho' pulled the two away from the mirror, allowing 'Seonghwa' to rest from his jealousy.

"Seonghwa, it is about time we realize, that treasure will not buy us our freedom."

"Do I hear, doubt?"

'Seonghwa' raised his voice at his mirror 'family'. 'Wooyoung' and 'San' flinched away slightly.

"The Pirate King took away our freedom and trapped us here, and you're here believing what he says?!"

'Mingi' bowed and apologized. 'Seonghwa' had a sharp temper that no one wanted to challenge. The only one that could calm him down in any way was 'Hongjoong'. 'Seonghwa' disappeared into the darkness and 'Hongjoong' followed.

"How dare you follow me?"

"How could I not?"

"If this is one of your attempts to calm me down, I suggest you leave."

'Hongjoong' nodded and left. No one would bother 'Seonghwa'. When the mirror people were asleep however, 'Jongho' would leave.

"What's it like out there?"

"It's nice. We have family, and love, and it's all we need. The Aurora seems like an afterthought really."

Jongho, Wooyoung, and Yunho sat in front of their bedroom mirror as Yeosang, San, Mingi, and Hongjoong sat on the beds. 'Jongho' enjoyed sneaking away from the mirror people, he enjoyed talking to the boys. They welcomed him like family. The mirror dimension was cold and lonely.

"Is Yunho with you?"

"He's here."

'Yunho' popped up out of nowhere and smiled fondly, despite his unwelcome appearance.

"Hey guys!"

"Yunho! Nice to see you today."

"It's nice to see you guys too. Seonghwa gave Mingi and Hongjoong hell today, so they might not come. San and Wooyoung don't know if they wanna come. And Yeosang..."

"He's still in (Y/n)'s head. We don't know what to do."

"I'm afraid of what he will do to her. He and Seonghwa are merciless. Mingi and Hongjoong just go with the flow."

'San' and 'Wooyoung' popped up and smiled brightly.


'Wooyoung' smiled happily and waved to the boys.

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