12: Breathe

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Good morning

"God damn it 'Yeosang', do you have to wake me up at 3 in the morning?!"

It's entertaining

"I really don't care that you're in my head at this point, but never disturb my sleep. Ever."

Wow, I'm so frightened


(Y/n) groaned loudly and threw the blanket over her head.

That's not going to help, I'm in your head

"Shut up!"

'Yeosang' laughed and shut up. (Y/n) slept peacefully for the next few hours until Seonghwa came in.

"Good morning, my love."

He brought in a tray of food and a cup of coffee. (Y/n) peeked out from the covers and blushed bright red.

"Y-you could've put a shirt on first."

"It's quite warm in the castle, so we decided to go down to the shore, would you join us?"

"Maybe, if the baby decides to stop giving me nausea."

Seonghwa kneeled in front of the bed and smiled. (Y/n) turned to face him and he lifted her shirt. His face softened as he massaged her sides softly.

"Hi baby! It's daddy, I can't wait for you to be with us, but first you have to stop giving mommy morning sickies. That way, daddy and mommy can have a little fun with your uncles on the beach!"

(Y/n) giggled, Seonghwa was so adorable. He looked up at his soon-to-be wife and smiled.

"You're so beautiful."

He removed the chains and helped (Y/n) get ready before carrying her down the staircase.

"I can walk!"

"I know, I just thought it would be more romantic if I carried you."

"You're such a dork."

"Well, I'm your dork."

They got to the dock and the boys were bursting with smiles.


That's a cute swimsuit

(Y/n) forced a smile, but internally grumbled.

What? It's a compliment

Seonghwa held (Y/n)'s hand gently as they went to sit by the boys. San and Wooyoung launched themselves at (Y/n) and smothered her with hugs.

"Idiots! Watch out for the bab- ugh why do I even bother..."

Mingi facepalmed and turned away. Hongjoong laughed and smacked his back.

"Just chill Gi, relax."

"I would if I could."

The boys all snickered quietly at the two's bickering. Mingi immediately snapped at them. (Y/n) chuckled lightly.

"What are you laughing for?"

"You two are cute."

"Oh please, we would neve-"

"They already have!"

Mingi and Hongjoong turned bright red.

"It was one time! And it was an accident!"

"But it happened!"

Mingi ran after San, grumbling the entire way. Yeosang scooted next to (Y/n) and cupped his hands around her ear.

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