1 - the new kid

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it was the first day back at school after his christmas break and seán was far from excited. it wasn't like school was a bad place for him. it's just that lessons bored him, and the homework sucked, and he felt a lot of stress. but other than that, it couldn't have been better for him.

seán was the guy that everybody liked. not one person in that school didn't get along with him. he was smart, talented, attractive, brave, funny, kind, charming, just everything you could hope for in a person. he had everybody chasing after him. tons of girls liked him, and he'd even had a few guys confess their love to him. one of those guys, he had feelings for too.

by this point, seán had been dating his boyfriend felix for about four months. he was happy with felix, comfortable with him. he made him feel safe. and seán hadn't felt that way with anybody else before. nobody knew about them, except for their best friends, like mark, bob, wade and tyler. they were all incredibly popular and were known by everyone in the school. most people wanted to be friends with them and hang around with them. they were all in the same tutor group and most of the same classes.

seán was making his way to his tutor room, as he only had five minutes left until the first bell of the day rang, and it took a while to get there, as his tutor room was on the top floor. he hadn't seen his boyfriend or any of his friends at all that morning, which he found rather strange, but he shrugged it off. as he was walking up the stairs, he felt someone nudge him. he turned around and was face to face with his best friend, mark.

"hey faggot." mark greeted him. seán didn't mind that mark called him that. all of his friends called him that. it was just funny to him.

"morning dipshit." seán replied with a mischievous grin on his face. mark punched the smaller boy jokingly, and that soon escalated into play fighting. a loud booming voice shouted at them to stop and they obeyed almost immediately after mark kicked his friend one last time.

the two walked up to their tutor room together, asking each other how they had been, discussing what their christmases had been like, what they had been up to recently. the first bell of the day rang loudly throughout the school just as the boys had reached the room they were searching for. and outside of the entrance stood bob, wade, tyler and felix. as soon as they all saw each other they beamed and went rushing up to each other, exchanging greetings and incredibly late christmas presents.

eventually the door was opened and they could go into their room. they sat down in their normal seating plan: at the front of the classroom on a table by themselves. the teacher, mrs johnson, suddenly clapped her hands to gain everybody's attention. it took a couple of tries, but it worked eventually.

"well students. i'd like to say welcome back and i hope you all had a lovely christmas. i'm sure you're all excited to see your friends again and you still feel that buzz from the festive season, but you're in school again now. so just make sure to listen, pay attention, do what you're told, and you'll have another wonderful year." her mini speech ended. one person at the back of the class stood up and began clapping, but stopped when the teacher shot them a cold glare.

"wonderful year...yeah right. i could think of many things that are more wonderful than this." mark announced when the rest of the class began talking again so the teacher didn't hear.

"i'm pretty sure eating my own foot is on that list." bob responded, earning a chuckle from everybody on the table.

suddenly, a hand appeared on the table. the boys looked up at who it belonged to. jeez...

"hey seán. or can i call you jack?" she said, smiling down at seán in a sinister manner.

"no. you can't." he replied, with no enthusiasm on his face or in his voice whatsoever.

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