7 - it's been a long day

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as soon as he closed his door shut, he placed his bag in the corner of the room and threw himself onto his bed. he sighed and put his hands over his face, thinking about the long and eventful day he just had. his first day at his brand new school could have been better, but it also could have been worse, and for that, ethan was thankful.

he had already decided what the best thing out of the whole day was: meeting seán. they obviously weren't close or great friends or anything like that, but ethan saw a lot of potential in him and he thought he was really nice. he liked him a lot.

a lot.

he cast his mind to the group of people he had hung out with on that day. they all seemed like good, genuine guys. he wasn't too sure on mark at first, but after talking to him for a little bit at whilst they were waiting for seán to finish his detention, he realised that he actually wasn't that bad, and it was quite easy to have a conversation with him. that didn't convince him that mark didn't have some sort of burning hatred for him though.

he was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a door slam shut, and shouting. his mother had come home from work, and she didn't sound very happy. ethan assumes that she was probably on the phone to somebody from her workplace, or she was on the phone to his father. either way, he didn't want to get involved and possibly annoy her even more, so he just left her to it.

ethan thought about his hometown, maine, and what he missed about it. he missed how small and quiet it was compared to LA. he missed the white christmases and the several snow days he would get a week. he missed how small his school was and how easy it was to get around. he missed the few friends he had back there. he missed his brother. he missed when his mom and dad actually got along and weren't always at each other's throats.

thinking about it made him sad, and his heart sank. yeah, there were things about maine that he didn't like, for example, how there was never really anything to do there, and the bullies who used to pick on him at his old school. but he really did miss maine. he wished his mother hadn't decided to make such a big move to LA.

out of the corner of his eye he saw his bedroom door open. he turned around to see his mom standing there, phone in hand, a forced smile on her face.

"hi sweep! how was your first day of school?" she asked. ethan smiled at her, pulling down his hood.

"it was ok."

"did you make any friends?" ethan wasn't all too sure if he could class anybody he was with on that day his friend, but he didn't want his mom to worry about him.


"that's great. that's really great." his mom said with a sigh of relief. she smiled at him before leaving the room and unlike usual, shutting the door behind her.

ethan had found himself thinking about seán again. that boy was difficult to keep off of his mind. he was just super kind, one of the nicest
people that he had ever met. he seemed to get along with everyone...well, everyone except for that asshole, greg.

however, throughout the day, ethan had noticed something strange about seán. he noticed that every now and again, he would stare at ethan, looking him up and down, almost as if he was...checking him out. but ethan didn't really mind. he was doing the exact same to seán.

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