2 - chemistry

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he's beautiful

seán widened his eyes and shook his head at himself. he couldn't stop thinking it. he couldn't get it out of his head. it was his eyes that really did it. the boy kept telling himself he wasn't allowed to think that way about other people whilst he was taken. he knew that felix didn't think about other people's looks like that...at least, he thought that anyway.

he was so lost in his thoughts and he was getting so mad at himself that he had gone the wrong way. he stopped dead in his tracks and sighed, turning to face the other direction.

"i've took us the wrong direction...sorry about that."

"it's fine..." ethan muttered. seán sighed again before taking ethan the right way to their form room. he had to stop thinking about it, or else he would get distracted again and lead them the wrong way.

"what school did you move from?" seán asked, trying to take his mind off of it.

"a school in maine.." ethan replied. he was quiet. he was on the verge of whispering.

"maine? that's pretty far from here. i'm guessing you live here now."

"yeah.." ethan really wasn't one for conversation.

"how come you moved over here?" seán asked. he seemed hesitant to answer, but after a few seconds, he did so anyway.

"well...uh...my parents got divorced...my mom got full custody of me so i moved over here with her.." when he said that, seán couldn't help but notice how sad he sounded. it broke his heart to hear his voice get more shaky and more quiet as he spoke about his parents divorce.

"oh...i'm really sorry about that."

"it's fine.." it seemed he didn't want to discuss it anymore, so seán decided not to bring it up again. he didn't want to upset him.

finally, they reached their tutor room, with only one minute before the bell was due to ring. seán figures there was no point in going in, so instead the pair stood outside and discussed ethan's timetable.

"what do you have first period?" ethan took his timetable out of his pocket, opening it with shaky hands. he looked for the correct day, week, and period.

"chemistry...with mr wilson.." seán beamed at the new information, growing excited.

"that's what i have! that means you're most likely in my other sciences as well. do you have english literature second period?" ethan examines his table yet again and looked back up at the new face in front of him. his eyes.

"yeah...with miss roberts.."

"me too! we must be in a few classes together. that makes it a lot easier to show you around." ethan nodded and put his timetable back in his pocket just as the bell had rung. immediately, doors flung open, and other students poured out of them. ethan flinched at the sudden swarm of students invading the corridors and found himself standing closer to seán.

"don't worry about them. it'll calm down in a minute." ethan nodded. his breathing seemed to be getting heavier and he started shaking more. he put his hand into his pocket and pulled out an...inhaler. is he asthmatic?

ethan shook the item harshly before using it to help him catch his breath. was that because of the crowds? seán decided not to question it.

"we should make our way to chemistry." seán suggested, and ethan nodded, following the other student quickly towards the unfamiliar classroom. when they reached it they stood outside together, waiting for the teacher to arrive and unlock the door. other students began to crowd around the door, chatting with their friends and screaming and play fighting. the sights seemed to strike fear in ethan.

finally the teacher arrived and the class was let into the room. everybody grabbed their books and sat at their small desks, getting out everything they needed for the lesson. everybody except seán and ethan. they stood near the door where mr wilson was and waited for the last stragglers to enter the room before attempting to talk to him. the teacher turned around to the boys and pointed at the new kid.

"and who might you be?" he asked, with no expression on his face at all.

"his name is ethan. he's a new student, he joined today."

"ah, i see. welcome ethan, my name is mr wilson. i'm sure you'll do well in this class. is he your buddy?" the teacher asked ethan.

"yeah, i am." seán answered, knowing ethan probably wouldn't want to.

"you don't have to keep speaking for him. can this new kid not talk?" seán looked down and rolled his eyes. he had never particularly liked his chemistry teacher. he's always found him to be really annoying and just plain disrespectful at times.

"he can. he's just shy." the teacher tutted and grabbed a plain exercise book from his desk.

"i don't do 'shy' i'm afraid. in my class you speak up wether you choose to or wether i pick on you. don't expect me to let you sit in silence in the background. you won't be able to do that at your future job." seán tried his best not to say something and stick up for ethan. yeah, he didn't like the teacher, but he still didn't want to get in trouble with him. mr wilson handed ethan the book which he accepted cautiously.

"for this week he can sit next to you, but after that we'll have to find an actual space for him. unless you two want to continue sitting next to each other, but i don't think your friend would be very happy." mr wilson said to seán. he looked behind him to see the friend the teacher was talking about. it was mark. he was at his and seán's desk, with his book open and his stationary out in front of him.

"ok...but where's mark gonna go?" seán asked, knowing mark wouldn't be happy with the change in seats.

"he could sit at that table there." mr wilson pointed at a small table made for one person only at the front of the classroom. that spot was usually reserved for the students who would misbehave a lot. seán didn't like the idea of mark sitting there alone, but it's not like he wanted to make ethan do it either, especially on his first day. mark could last for a week.

seán and ethan gradually made their way over to the desk they were allocated at. when they got there, mark instantly glared at ethan, but didn't bother to ask about him. ethan began to shake. he didn't like being stared at.

"finally. what did you need to talk to that dickwad for?" mark asked with a frown on his face.

"sorry...but there's been in a change in the seating plan. you've gotta sit at the front." and as seán had imagined, mark definitely was not happy. in fact, he was very far from cheerful.

"what?! why?!" ethan flinched as mark raised his voice. his first impression of mark was that he got angry easily, and didn't like it when things went the way he didn't want them to go.

"because he has to sit next to me." seán replied, wanting mark to just get up and leave already.

"why? who is he?" mark glared at ethan again and ethan began to shake, again.

"i'll explain later, just move to the front. wilson's gonna get mad at us in a minute for not having our books open and shit." mark sighed and rolled his eyes before picking up his things and moving to the front without saying another word. the two boys sat down at their desk and grabbed their stationary. they opened their books and wrote the date and title in the corners.

"welcome back from your break, i'm sure it was lovely. you'll be pleased to know that today we're looking at ions." several people groaned, including seán. he didn't like chemistry. he's go as far as to say he hated it. ethan was also not a fan of the subject, as he wasn't very strong in it.

seán noticed mark staring at the boys every now and again and frowned. he leaned over to ethan and whispered to him.

"ignore him. he's not normally like this." ethan nodded and soon pen was put to paper and everybody in the class was copying down the information that was being displayed on the board.

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