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Double update! Read 7 if you haven't!


change of plans,
can I pick you up
at 6? Got a bigger
plan than just
dinner tonight.
You're going to
love it. 😉

Better start getting
ready if you'll be
here at 6. Don't
like kidnap me or
whatever though.
And remember we

I've got your new
address, and trust
me not kidnapping
you. That's a third
date thing to do, not
a first.

ha ha. See you at 6.

"Ava!" Carter yells through the mess of a half unpacked appartment.

"Carter!" Ava yells back, poking her head from her room as Carter goes looking for her.

"Do you still have that low cut leapard print bodysuit? And can I borrow it?"

"What do you need that for, Car?" Olive appears behind Ava smirking.

"I have a, um, a date." She giggles.

"Carter Heart's gonna fuck Calum Hood!" Ava calls out with a laugh, "Ya I have it, let me dig it out for you."

"It's one date, Av." Carter laughs following her friends into the bedroom.

"It would be adorable if you two dated. You have matching initials and everything." Delanee chuckles from where she lays on Ava's bed.

"Ew. That's like weird couple shit. We will not make a big deal about that if something happens between Calum and Carter." Olive shakes her head harshly.

"Thank you, Oli."

"If you really wanna set him off, wear those leather shorts you have, with the chain, and your fancy black booty heels." Ava smirks as she hands the top to Carter.

"I'm gonna do that. But because it is a bomb ass outfit, not because Ava has some bet going she doesn't want to lose about when Calum and I will sleep together."

"Hey!" Ava calls before sighing, "Oh alright. But I'm gonna win."

"You two are who she's betting against I take it?" Carter laughs.

"She said two weeks, Oli has the next two after that. Except I said Valentines Day. That's my only day to win. So you know, if you wanna help me out." Delanee laughs.

"I hate you all." Carter laughs, turning to leave, finding the shorts and shoes Ava suggested in her own piles of mess.

Moving is the worst.

Carter can't help but grin as she blots her lipstick, hearing the doorbell ring. Her hair straightened perfectly, makeup flawless, and outfit as great as Ava had said it would be. Slipping her phone and key into her small shoulder bag she heads from the room just in time to hear the other three greet Calum at the door.

"You brought us flowers. How sweet." Ava's voice rings out.

"Um, they are actually for Carter."

"Oh, really? And what are you're intentions with our girl, Calum Hood?" Delanee's motherly voice rings out.

"Um, dinner. And then another activity, but I want to surprise her with it. I know she's going to love it." Calum sounds nervous.

"Down, guard dogs. He's no crazy person." Carter chuckles, stepping into the entryway.

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