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Carter, it's been
days. I would have
told you about the
tour offer if I was
allowed. Please
talk to me. Let me

explain what Calum?
Explain that you're
going to sleep with me
for the next few months
and then conveniently
break up with me
because the tour
obligations are done?
Lie to me about your
feelings again? Because
every fucking time so far
something to benefit you
and your band seems to
come out of us being

please! Let me
explain. I like you
Carter, more than I
ever thought I
would, I promise.
How do I prove that
to you? I didn't seduce
you for the band. Hell
I didn't seduce you at
all. I fell for you, hard
and fast.

would you still want me
if we had said no? If we
weren't touring with

Yes. And I will still
want you when we
are done touring too.
My management has
no clue that you and I
have any kind of
relationship. The boys
only know because
they are my best
friends. You and I are
separate from our jobs
Car. We could hate
each other and
manage to tour
together. The two are
not related. Please let
me explain.

Sunday night. Pick me
up at 7. It's all you're
getting so come

thank you. I promise,
I'll explain everything.

you better

"Don't you think you're being a little harsh? I mean he might not have been able to tell you. Really." Delanee asks, laying across Carters bed with her.

"I refuse to be used again. I get to jump to conclusions, De." She snaps slightly, sighing as she realizes it, "Sorry. I just hate feeling like this."

"Hey, it's going to be okay, Car. This life is so much more complicated than we ever could have envisioned, and you are dealing with it more than the rest of us. We are a band, but you are our lead, and that gives you more pressure and responsibility. I get it." Delanee rolls to hug Carter.

"It's just been the absolute craziest six weeks of my life." Carter sighs, cuddling into her best friend.

"Plus, River of Tears comes out tomorrow and I know you're hiding how terrified you are of the world hearing your most vulnerable side so soon." Delanee runs her hand up and down Carter's back softly.

"So scared. I honestly never thought I'd put that song out, and definitely not so soon. It's terrifying me."

"Just remember, you have me, and Ava, and Olive, to hold you up through it. And then it's done. Nothing we put out after this one will ever be as terrifying, right?"

"True. But fuck, couldn't we have started with Ava's most vulnerable. That girl has no fears." Carter chuckles.

"That girl's never actually fallen in love. She doesn't have this level of vulnerable pain." Delanee laughs.

"Also true. Ugh. It's hard to be a rockstar." Carter half whines, half laughs.

"You're such a baby sometimes, Car."

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