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Double update cuz I wanna get to the drama!! Read 23 first!

"Am I going to feel like an idiot for the next week?" Calum asks as he cuddles Carter in the back of the SUV.

"No. Well, maybe a few times. But no one else will be thinking you're an idiot." Olive turns from the front seat to look at him.

"Everyone knows you're coming, and they know you're still a beginner at sign language. No one will judge you for not knowing any sign. And don't get freaked out and overwhelmed by how quickly everyone signs. Remember we have all been doing it our entire lives." Delanee adds.

"I'll be by your side, Cal, don't worry too much. I'll interpret for you. Plus, not absolutely everyone is deaf. Emree isn't and a good portion of the community are CODA's or hearing parents with deaf children, it won't all have to be signing." Carter leans up to kiss the stubbly underside of his chin.

"I just don't want to feel stupid." He shrugs, hugging her closer to him.

"You won't."

"Hey Oli, where is Goldie taking us? We needed to get on that freeway to get home." Ava comments, glancing out the window.

"Um..." Olive opens her mouth before closing it, signing to her sister who picked them up from the airport.

"Just trust me." Goldie signs one handed for all of them to see.

"Apparently there are plans we were not informed of." Delanee laughs, "We are headed towards the university, who wants to make bets my mom is behind whatever party is waiting for us there."

"Probably. Typical though, not even letting us shower before we are showing up to a surprise celebration." Carter laughs.

"Sounds like our parents." Ava nods.

"So, not only am I going to feel stupid, I get to feel stupid the first second I meet any of them?" Calum half chuckles.

"You're nervous and it's cute. Just stick with me, Hood. I'll help you out." Carter smiles.

"Oh, I will be staying very close." Calum nods, feeling a bit uneasy.

"You remember how to sign 'nice to meet you' right?" Carter chuckles.

"Yes." He nods, demonstrating the signs.

"And your name?"

"No." He shakes his head.

"It's easy, you can do this, C-A-L-U-M." Carter shows him again, a very small part of his mind registering he did learn that once, months ago. He repeats it a few times.

"See you'll be fine. You can also sign, sorry," She rubs her closed fist in a circle on her chest, "I don't sign." She points at herself, pulling her thumb from under her chin with a closed fist other wise, before spinning her hands around each other towards herself, pointer fingers out of the fists.

"Sorry, I don't sign?" He repeats her actions.

"See, you catch on quick. You'll be pro by the end of tour." Olive grins back at him.

"Hardly." He chuckles.

"We'll have more time for lessons when we are all living on top of each other for months. It will help. Plus long flights or bus rides can be good times to teach you." Carter smiles, "So long as you still want to learn."

"I do." Calum nods, tensing slightly as the car pulls to a stop in the front of a large parking lot.

"Called it. Look, my parents car, Valerie and Scott's car, your parents car, De, and how many others we know. They threw us a fucking welcome home, Congratulations, good luck on tour surprise party." Ava laughs, climbing out and dropping the seat so Calum and Carter can get out too.

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