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Sleep should have come easy to Carter, having spent the previous night in the hospital and walking the city all day. Calum's arms securely wrapped around her waist alone should have lulled her into an easy night of rest. And yet, as the clock ticks closer to 3am she lays away...

Calum had rolled over a while ago, his tan back now glowing in the moonlight as she tickles her fingers over the definitions of his muscles. He truly is the most beautiful human she has ever know.

And that is why she can't sleep.

Calum, in the kindest of ways, turned down her advances after they returned from their adventure through Amsterdam. Not wanting to over exhaust her following the crazy night she had spent in the hospital. And she couldn't talk him down from his decision. After a month, she was honestly impressed he stood his ground so firmly, but also very much annoyed, and in need of him.

After another ten or fifteen minutes of tossing and turning she gives up, slipping out of Calum's shirt and rolling to press herself against his back. Maybe if she can get him excited before he's fully awake he won't be able to deny her.

Wrapping her arm around his stomach she starts trailing soft kisses along his shoulder, letting them grow heavier as she reaches his neck, humming into his warm skin softly as her fingers tease the band of his boxers.

"Mmm, Carter." She smirks as she hears him moan her name in his sleep. Sliding her hand over the material she caresses his inner thigh as she leaves open mouth kisses along his hairline and up to his ear.

"Cal, Calum." She whispers into his ear, pulling the lobe between her teeth softly tugging at it.

"Car?" he half moan half startles.

"I can't sleep, Cal, I need you, baby." She moans, sliding her hand higher on his thigh.

"Fuck, you are horny." He yawns, rolling onto his back, blinking a couple times before his eyes go wide, "And naked." She can't help but smirk as his eyes start to darken, his tongue darting to wet his lips as he stares at her bare chest in front of him.

"Please, Cal, I need you. It's been so long." she bats her eye lashes at him, shifting to push her chest out slightly as she trails her hand back up his chest.

"Fuck." He pants, and she know she's finally won. His hands lift, squeezing her boobs hotly before sliding up to her neck, pulling her face down until he can attach his lips to hers. Within seconds he is begging for her to open her mouth, their tongues meeting in a needy tangle as he slides himself up against the headboard, pulling her to straddle his leg.

"Ride my thigh, baby girl." He commands, sucking her bottom lip between his teeth.

"Help me?" she asks with a innocent look, although he is pretty confident in her knowledge of the act.

"Like this, baby." he smirks, gripping her hips tightly and guiding her against his bare leg.

"mmm." She gasps, the thin lace between her core and his skin creating a sensation she hadn't expected.

"Feels good, baby, doesn't it?" His voice grows deep and husky, his hands moving to kneed her breasts as she gets into a rhythm on his thigh.

"So good." She moans, her head thrown back as she moves against him.

"So hot to watch you fuck yourself on me, baby. So hot." He groans, stilling her hips for a moment as he moves them again, this time to the edge of the bed. Bouncing his leg off the floor to meet her movements as she gets back into her rhythm. The loud moan that escapes her lips as he adds the bouncing makes his dick harden and throb with desire for her.

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