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Double Update, read 34 first! Love you all. 🖤


Go out with Carter
today. Your little
stunt and the lack of
content from Vienna
are not changing the

No. She has been put
on vocal and physical
rest by her coaches.
Thanks to how sick
your little demands
made her a few days
ago. We are staying in.
When she feels better I
will take her out, because
I want to. Where I want
to take her. And we will
enjoy the day or evening
how we choose. Today
we are staying in.

if you're lying there
will be consequences.

ask her team, except
maybe not Jaydan. He
seems pretty out of the
loop with Carter's well

"What's wrong?" Delanee nudges Calum, motioning to what Carter is signing.

"Nate wants us to go out again today. The whole festival issue in Vienna wasn't enough to satisfy them." Calum rolls his eyes, "I told him no. You're on vocal rest because of them and I'm not letting them put you in more danger."

"Thank you." Delanee smiles, interpreting Carters sign.

"No problem. Hey, since you can't talk today anyway, want to work on my signing?" Calum shifts on Carter's bed, sitting directly in front of her.

"Okay, you ask me for the sign for something and I'll show you." Delanee interprets again.

"You don't have to play interpreter all day, Delanee, thank you. But if you want to go do something with your day off it's okay." Calum chuckles.

"I don't mind, unless it's weird for you that I'm here." She shrugs.

"No. I didn't mean that. You're welcome to stay, I just didn't want you to think you had to for my sake."

"Na, I know you would manage." She shrugs, "I'm actually quite interested to see what you really want to know how to sign." She smirks.

"Everything." Calum shrugs, "If I'm going to get to know Carter's family I need to know how to sign fully."

"Stop." Carter is blushing as she signs it, one of the few signs Calum has picked up and remembered fully.

"Okay, okay." Calum laughs, "What is music again?"

Carter holds her left arm up in front of her, using her right hand to sweep above it like she is leading music.

"Right, I knew that. Why can't I remember it?" Calum mumbles, repeating the sign himself.

"Okay, girlfriend?" Calum smiles.

"It's a combination of the signs for girl and friend." Delanee explains in english before Carter demonstrates. Sliding her thumb from ear to chin asking her jaw and then linking her pointer fingers back and forth.

"So boyfriend would be boy and friend?" Calum asks. Carter nods, demonstrating by grasping at an invisible hat bill at her forehead before linking her pointer fingers back and forth.

"In ASL, a lot of signs are that way. The gender then relation, brother, sister, daughter, son, girlfriend boyfriend, husband, wife. And like professions are usually the sign for the act with person tacked on the end. Like teacher is teach and person. Student is learn and person. Artist is in general paint and person, but you could get specific with the type of art if you wanted. Things like that." Delanee explains, showing each sign as she does.

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