3. Section

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"It's definitely broken." She said touching Vaughn's rib cage. Joy was a tiny little thing making it hard to believe that she was a nurse or even over 18. She was a definitely smart from what I could see.

"I can patch him up and he will be fine as long as you know." She began setting up the room to treat Vaughn's injuries. I watched her pull all types of stuff out of a small duffel bag while I waited for her to complete her thought.

"What?" I wanted her to finish her sentence.

"As long as y'all stop beating his ass." She had a little fire in her. Anyone else's would have just kept it moving. This wasn't here first time doing something like this so I know she would keep her mouth shut.

"That's up to him." She began to give him sedatives. She noticed that we were opening soon and the last thing she needed was for him to scream.

"You could have killed him you know?" She rolled her eyes.

"That was the goal in the beginning." I shot back. This little bitch is going to make he smack her around too.

"How do you expect me to fix him if you are going to have bartenders sniffing around? I'm sure that you don't want them knowing about your goals." She said cutting Vaughn's shirt off and further assessing his bruises. I watched her glance at the bottles that lined the walls.

"He is going to scream during healing. I don't want to use real heave narcotics on him."

"The music will be loud pretty soon but it normally stays a little quieter in here. Plus it will be off limits to everyone except for Kenny, Max, and your boyfriend." I peeled a few bills off of a roll and banned it to her along with a duplicate key to the room. She immediately counted the money and assured me that she had this under control.

"Sy isn't my boyfriend." Joy looked me up and down before I left the room. I simple shook my head.

I returned to the main part of the club making sure everything looked as normal as possible. Like clockwork, the DJ began playing music. I looked around just to make sure that everything was neat before opening once more.

"Y'all good?" I asked the bartenders and bottle girls quickly while walking past after noticing a bit of bickering.

"We are short a girl and with that huge party that bought 4 of the sections we will need the help" This was news to me. Kayla, who really took on the leadership role when it came to certain services in the club held the schedule.

"Four?" I questioned again as all 10 girls shook their heads out of nervousness for what the night held. Since I was dealing with everything else I was missing the important things.

"They called about an hour ago." I walked closer to the bar to glance at the schedule.

"Let me see the reservation." Jen handed me the paper as I looked for some identifiers.

"It will be a good night for y'all at least." Not only is it Friday but with upwards of 30 people in four sections and the rest of the other ones filled the girls would really be set.

"We have 2 more coming in but definitely not at the start of the night." She assured me that she called a few of the girls who were off.

"Who the fuck is Kevin Jones?" I asked them.

"No clue." I thought that they may have known if there was a new hot shot ball player in the city.

"Well let's do the best we can until we can get some more people on staff and let's get those bottles out ass soon as we hit
capacity. Y'all have any problems just let me know." I looked at them in the hopes that it would make them feel better. I slid back to the other side of the bar to talk to Mel.

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