7. Clout

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I sat on the phone with Deontay for a good hour before things went left. I tried to scrub the conversation off of me with no luck. The truth of the matter is I was home with Khalil in his crib and a baby in my belly alone. To top it off it was one in the morning and all I could think about was my ex. I tried to focus on shower and not the last time I had my mouth wrapped around Deontay's penis.

I got out of the shower now furious at my husband. I dried my body and stood in the middle of the floor. I scrolled through my recent calls landing on "Sloney🥰".

"What the fuck happened to two hours Sloane?!" I yell in the phone as my confusion grew.

"The club and back remember nigga?" I didn't even let him get a word out.

"Baby calm down." I heard the voices of Sy and Max but the female threw me for a loop. I'm not sure if this was a sign or if I was simply overreacting. But the young lady in the background clearly was having a good time.

"You know what. Stay where you are." I hung up the phone for him to immediately call back. I turned the ringer down a fee clicks before walking out of the bath room to check on Khalil. He move around in his sleep which made me check his diaper. I was able to change him and get him back to sleep before he started to scream. After watching him return to his slumber o decided to turn in myself.

I sat with my back in the headboard since my baby belly blocked the way of the tv. I couldn't faintly hear the phone ring completely blocking it out of my mind.


"Looks like you're having a little trouble." Joy said changing her gloves after tending to Vaughn. We was healing well according to her. I looked at the phone after she hung up on me knowing it was far from over.

"Why is it any of your business?" I snapped on her. I asked honestly.

"Look I just want to make sure everything is ok." Joy swayed from back and forth around the room and while I knew I should leave I sat there.

"Everything is fine." I continued to call her back. After a wile I decided to give her some time to simmer down. She had every right to feel some type of way being as though I just told her I was going to be home.

"You don't have to front for me. Anyway, he should good as new in about a week. He is strong." She straighten up a little bit as her comment took me by surprise.

"Front for you?" I asked making sure I heard her correctly.

"That's what I said. Pregnancy can be hard on everyone. I could only imagine what it was like taking you back after you and..." I cut her off. I know she wasn't about to say what I thought she was.

"And how do you know all of this?" She began telling information that I thought was only in house.

"Y'all aren't just a regular couple. People are going to pay attention to the city's hottest club owner and his wife. Especially when he isn't faithful." She spoke as if there was something she knew that I didn't. I sat in awe across the room because I didn't know we had that kind of clout.

"So I guess you know if all huh." I responded, trying to figure out her motives. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt but it became obvious.

"I know you. Meaning it won't be long before I get you where I want you." She finished cleaning her work area as a Vaughn began shift in his sleep.

"The guys can get you what you need I'll be in my office." I planned my escape before she spoke again. This was going down hill fast and I knew with in minutes I'd loose my wife.

"So the rumors are true." She walked closer to me as I headed for the door. I took a deep breath and remembered who I am and what I stood for now. It would be easy to take her down just for the hell of it but my wife is about to have my second son.

"Enlighten me." I entertained her.

"Y'all aren't fucking. It's vital to a relationship..."

"She is at the end of her third trimester so if fucking isn't ant the forefront of her mind and my baby is I'm fine with it." I left the room saving myself the trouble of having to tell E I ran through Vaughn nurse. Not only that, but now I'll have to come clean about Vaughn. I retreated to my office, locking the door immediately. My thoughts shifted from Joy to Emerald. I searched through my password protected albums until finding one of our early videos. I sat behind my desk taking in the sound of her moans before stroking myself. My mouth watered at the thought her nails digging in to my skin as our friction caused is to cling to each other. I took my time alone to stroke my hard member. I continued to stare at the screen to see her throw her ass back, remembering all the good times that have yet to come.

"Fuck." I forgot what it was like to make myself feel good.

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