8. Done

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"Oh come the hell on E." Maya didn't believe that I could even be considering it. Melody, Maya and Nate's baby girl was almost one and one of the most beautiful babies I had ever seen. She stood on my baby bump smiling and laughing as I looked at her little dimples.

"Shit has just been different. He hasn't spent a full day in this house since he supposedly took time off from the club. I have been alone for both of my fucking pregnancies and he can see the problem." Maya came to drop off a few gifts because I refused to have another baby shower. Khalil allowed Maya to tickle him silly as we spoke.

"Jumping straight to a divorce is a lot you don't think?" From the out side looking in I guess I could be a huge leap but not in my mind. Dealing with the normal ups and downs of a marriage is expected but this was a lot.  I refused to be locked in if it wasn't working regardless if kids were involved.

"Just because he comes home to drop off a few stacks, eat a little pussy, and rub on my belly means nothing. I could go in to labor any second and the only person that would be around is my son. My baby is only 18 months." It was safe to say that I was tired of waddling around this big ass house by myself. Blowing up his phone wasn't working and with out an exact location I searching the city at this stage wasn't ideal.

"There is a lot going on that he may not be able to tell you." I ran my fingers through my unkept hair forcing it in to a pony tail.

"Well what the hell do you know that I don't? Has Nate said anything?" I started jumping to conclusions. Nate and Sloane were the definition of thick as thieves so I could imagine what information Maya may have.

"Well Ice's brother..." she was cut off when the  door opened.  I sat Melody on Maya's lap and to a deep breath. Khalil's face lit up almost instantly knowing that his daddy was home. I shot to my feet moving as fast as I could towards the door. I wasn't even aware that she even know Ice or his family.

"I haven't seen your piss poor ass in three fucking days." I used all the power I had in me to scream and yell. As I went to push him in to the wall he grabbed my arms, stopping the push, but allowing me to maintain my balance.

"You have fucked up." She pointed at him before taking the babies up stairs. He was so familiar with the phrase it was becoming overwhelming.

"What is she talking about?" His question made me even more upset.

"Where the hell have you been?" I fought for access of my arms with out looking him in his bitch ass face.

"I'd been sleeping at the club while I gets something things together babe. Shit got heavy and I... stop fighting me while you got my kid in you!" I couldn't believe that he was growing angry with me.

"You don't give a fuck about these kids. Your son is walking about you missed it to be at the club." I could tell that took a dig at him. He ran one of his hands down his face as giving me the opportunity to best his ass with one arm.

"Emerald please. Don't work yourself up in here baby." I couldn't even think about anything else then making him feel pain.

"You should have stayed where you where because I'm done with this shit!" I screamed ending my rampage.

"Done?" He asked allowing me to snatch away from him. He rolled his eyes as if I was joking.

"Done!" I screamed fighting back the urge to cry. I hated that as I was trying to stay stern but my emotions tore down that wall.

"Done? Shut that shit down. You think you want a divorce?" I watched him laugh the idea out of the conversation.

"I'm fucking finished with this situationship." Referring to our marriage as a situation caused the anger in him to surface quickly. I could see him go from sweet caramel to beat red.

"A fucking situation? Don't fucking play with me this isn't just a situation. I'm not..." He punched his fist through the wall causing me to jump.

"A husband? A man? No not at the fucking moment. I'm tired of this shit." I walked off. I could hear him punch the wall again before following me.

"In wish you would have put that much energy in to me and your fucking son and you do what ever bitch you let suck you off." I yelled thinking about who u could call to fix the wall since I won't have a husband after this conversation.

"You have been gone for three days. Without a call or even a text. Just be honest any tell me about Ice's brother." Vaughn was my baby, he was like a little brother to me. Without taking a breath he started breaking the story down. I listened to the clearly watered down details of him beating Vaughn and hiring an nurse to save his life after feeling bad.

"I can't believe I'm this stupid. You have been lying to me for this long. To my motherfucking face." I had the idea that when we got married the street shit would stop. I spent a lot of time thinking that he could be lying to me but I doubted it. Sloane wasn't like Tay and he loved me just as much as I loved him and there was no lie. Our family is being provided for and at the time being he was come home every night with no problem.

"Baby just listen." I warned his ass to stay on the other side of the room.

"So you have been keeping him there after you almost killed him over dope money that you ass ain't even supposed to be making? If this is what I wanted I could have stayed..."

"You may be upset but you are far from stupid. I advise you to redirect your thoughts love." He cut me off before I could even remind myself of Deontay. One thing that I can say as at least he never lied to me about where the money was coming from.

"If anyone is stupid it's definitely me. My stupid ass should have kept on fucking Deontay if I was going to deal with this shit!" It wasn't about the money. As a college graduate it was the last of my worries especially since I'm no stranger to hard work it's what comes with it. Money wasn't a problem because my savings was fat.

For the father of my children to be out here beating up people over bricks is what I have the right to be worried about. Neither Sloane nor Tay are as invincible as they think so what happens when the right person comes in town.

"What if you ass gets locked up?" I asked him straight up.

"Emerald calm down. It's been under control. Ain't no body locking me up in this town. I pay those bitches bills" He continued to take me for a joke.

"Sloane you don't fucking get it!" My voice reaches the level where I knew Maya and the kids could hear me from up stairs.

"Make me understand E! When I went legit I still had shit in the streets that had to be dealt with though knew that!" It was only a matter of time before he flipped it on me.

"That makes it ok?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Is it now acceptable to not contact your wife for three days? Do you even have a reason?" I realized who I was dealing with.

"I felt guilty. I had slipped to far back in to who I didn't want to be for you and the boys. Loose ends turned in to moving shit and that turned in to washing money. I went back and I couldn't face it until I was too deep."

"Bullshit. You are selfish and I'm not about to allow you to disrespect when I'm about to push your child out of me."

"Emerald I breath for toy and those boys." I saw tears form in his eyes.

"So who you out here fucking? You have to be running around with someone if you ain't been home in three fucking days." He smacked his teeth.

"I'm not fucking anything but my hand." He said in a calm manner.

"I can't tell with you anymore. You have been bending the truth for so fucking long I can't tell." I dried my eyes before the tears could fall.

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