25. Glass

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"Don't you wake them babies up." She handed Khalil to me to take up stairs. She had been home for a week and slowly moving her things out and turning it in to a rental property. We had been out with the kids all day and got them all tired out. Er binge walked up the steps taking the boys to their bed rooms.

"You are getting big boy." I said laying him down. I looked around the room before stepping out and meeting E in the hallway. She had taken the small laundry basket from Nasir's room prompting me to do the same.

"I got it." I said taking the basket out of her hand. She took a step back with a shocked expression washing over her.

"You can keep me company though." She followed me down the steps to the laundry room.

"Oh can I?" She said sarcastically, opening the door to the basement stairs.

"I see you're down here." I shot back.

"Well look at this." She said sliding herself on top of the dryer as I snatched the door to the washing machine open. I'll let out of the chuckle before asking her what she meant.

"A man can't wash his kids clothes?" I know exactly where her energy was coming from. It's something that she always did but if I wanted to change the dynamic of our household I had to change my attitude towards thing.

"I just never thought I would see the the day." I tossed the tiny garments into the machine. I watched her swing her legs as she sat on top of the machine.

"First time for everything huh?" I added a small amount of detergent in the side of the machine later shifting my focus to her.

"I guess so." She leaned in to my kiss causing us both to relax. She slipped her hands into my pants before we both heard glass shatter. I ignored it before thinking about the setting.

"Sloane." She pulled away. Cynthia her ass let me know automatically that this was something that I couldn't let go.

"Shh." I said listening for more sounds. Definitely taken by surprise. This must be some type of mistake. I wanna right mind would think to run up in my house. The foot steps were light and it only from one person at first. Then soon after more followed.

"You stay down here. There's a pistol under one of the chairs in the bar room." I kissed her again.

"Are you listening to me?" It wasn't like her to freeze up on me like this.

"The boys." She grabbed me before I could get to the safe.

"Take my phone and call the police." I tried to keep her calm. She knew that if the police came there was a slim chance that I would actually shoot to kill. Thank

"Stay here." I will close it was a steps, quietly taking a picture frame off of the wall, using my firstborn sons birthday is the combination to the safe. I made sure the weapon was loaded before making my way up the steps taken my surroundings at every second. Well I was in my house may the way straight to my office but not for breaking the glass on the front door. Once I stepped out of the basement door threshold I was able to see the shadowy figure. Whoever it was didn't even seem to be in a rush. I scanning the second level of the house just to make sure there were multiple intruders. Once I got closer to the office automatically made out who the figure was.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I held the gun on Joy as she played look out while leaning on the office desk.

"Joy I have kids and why the hell would you ever break in to my damn house? Who the hell is this?" I took the clip out of the gun, checking the chamber. After all it the BS I didn't want any to kill the girl .

"You weren't answering my calls." She snapped. The young lanky bout stood nursing his bloody hand.

"Did you come up with this all in your own." I out the clip back in to the gun not sure if she was actually alone.

"Who sent you?" She held her hands up as I walked closer to her with my gun drawn.
I used my left hand to pat her and the terrified young man down.

"Sloane it's not like that..." She started. Immediately should be on a plane with my patience.

"I'm going to ask you one more time before you and ole boy have matching hands." She began to ramble about money and needing help.

"Take the fucking hood off." I snapped T her accomplice.

"EMERALD." I yelled down the steps letting her know that it's ok to come up.

"What the fuck Sloane? She asked me noticing who was in the wrong side of the gun.

"Go check on the boys. I got this." As soon as the words came out of my mouth the siren could be heard in the distance. Joy's facial expression changed immediately.

"You called the police?" She asked as if it was far fetched.

"You're lucky that you are still alive." Emerald said replying before I could. I assured her that there's nothing that she needed to worry about as she ran upstairs to check on the boys.

"You put my family in danger. It was a call the police or shoot you in the face."

"I didn't touch your kids. I would never..." the mystery mad stepped up.

"This is how you treat me now that you have your wife back? Your family wasn't important on those late nights at the club." She yelled stepping closer to me.

"What? Pardon my confusion but do you need money or do you feel like there was something wrong on between us? What's the real reason you broke into my home?" My voice was now above a whisper as I allowed the police to open the door to the house.

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