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"Oh please," I said and flipped my brown silk hair behind. It bounced and landed on my other shoulder, illuminated by the sun.

"What? So you don't believe in these things?!" He asked and the other being beside him nodded quickly in shock and agreement. "Come on, ghosts aren't real! You guys are such scaredy cats." I exclaimed, grinning widely as they rolled their eyes.

"Sure sure," The guy said, pouting and crossed his arms. "Come on Jimin!" I said holding his arm but he shrugged it away, poiting more as he tried to trap me in his adorable side.

"Oh you guys," I turned around walking away knowing well they would follow me and soon and I heard a voice, "Come on minseo we're kidding!"and felt two arms on both of my arms as I sighed in annoyance.

"Yeah yeah okay." I said as Jimin started laughing, his head tilting backwards. "So we have to leave now right?" I questioned, a sad chuckle slipping from my mouth.

"Yeah," Jimin mumbled and he hugged me. "I'll miss you."He muttered, taking in my scent and calm perfume. I felt his warm breath on my neck as I hugged him back.

"You'll be fine Jiminie don't worry!"I assured him but he didn't look satisfied. "Hey, me?" Someone spoke.

"How can I forget you? Come over Nara!" I extended my arms for her to hug me as she smiled hugging me back.

All the three of us shared our long hug as Jimin sobbed on my shoulder, "Mins," and hugged me once more more tightly and I felt his tears on my white shirt which started to get wet.

"Hey look at me, you'll be fine! I know you will please don't cry!" I said while I had tears in my eyes.

"I-I know but," He cried again and I let out air through my mouth, holding his shoulders.

"Jimin it's just six months and you'll be back from america okay baby don't cry please!" I said but I myself felt big fat tears flow down my cheeks. "You can call me whenever you want I'm always there for you." I assured him as he pouted.

"W-what if y-you don't," He said sadly as I looked at him.

"Oh you think so? We have been friends since childhood how can I do that to you please Jimin be strong you can do it I know that! I want you to achieve what you wanted to be. Be a doctor Jimin help people! Prove the world you're something unique. Really unique. You can ofcourse call me wherever or whenever you want or even everyday I love talking to you, my mochi!"I chuckled, pinching his nose. Jimin seemed to be satisfied by my answer and nodded cutely.

"Alright!" He said as he walked over to Nara hugging her tightly as if his life depended on it. As they both chatted for a while on the car, heading to the airport, I kept my head leaned on the window, staring at nonethingness.

Park Jimin, you could call him handsome and lovely. He was the friend every person could ever wish for. Nara, Jimin and me were close since childhood and nothing could separate us. Nothing.

Of course, 6 months was short for someone who wants to train himself to become a doctor. But he had worked for more than 5 years and did his best to learn the depth of medical science. God knows who called him to America.

"Guys please call me! I'll miss you guys," Jimin spoke nervously and fiddled with his fingers, tears starting to blur his sight.

"Jimin come on! As minseo said you can call us anytime anywhere 24/7. We're always there for you. Don't forget that!" Nara smiled.

"I don't know which doctor wants to separate us but don't get stressed and do your job!" Cheering him, he pulled Nara and me into an emotional squeeze before waving his hand as a good bye to us. We both were very annoyed our friend had to leave us but he wasn't leaving for any drug dealing shit or anything, it was his dream.

As Nara and myself walked back home together, we took the long road since we wanted some time for each other. Bidding our own bye's, I soon came back home and unlocked the door with my keys, slowly opening it.

The sound of the door made it creepy but I didnt think much about it since I was already used to the creaking noise.

Closing the door behind me, I flicked the lights on one by one. The lights filled my house,bringing satisfaction and relief to me.

I went over to my bedroom and my body stood still with a pale expression when I realized the room was comptely destroyed.

"Aish this big man- this peahead." I scolded and turned around, taking a deep breath. "Kim Jun Myeon!"I shouted as loud as I can and he suddenly rushed in panicking, out of nowhere.

"What? What is it? What? What?"He asked and I waved my arms around the room to show his mess.

"Oh uh well you took my charger!" He protested and I rolled my eyes in response, looking away.

"So what? Is this how you mess a room for a damn charger?! Are you kidding me right now?" I crossed my arms and he put his arms on his hips, glaring at me.

"Fine I'm sorry. But," He stopped.

"But?" "As you stole my sweatpants last night I have your hoodie!" He smirked.

"So? I don't care which hoodie."I managed to say and he came slightly closer.

"Really? What if the one I took is the one your childhood friend Jimin gave you." In a flash, Jun Myeon ran around the house and I came back to reality, chasing him behind.

We ran like monkeys chasing for bananas.

After the long childish fight and few bruises here and there, he gave up and threw the hoodie from his closet towards me. I smirked in satisfaction.
We said our goodnights and teases, walking back to our rooms.

Wearing the hoodie, I got on bed, comforting myself with the blanket which was wrapped around me and made me seem like a burrito.

I felt extra sleepy so I switched the lights off, sleeping soundly and hugged the hoodie Jimin bought for me.

I missed everything of his, his hoodies, his pecks, his touch, his scent, his hugs.

Hey guys! First chapter of killer bunny is here! I am really excited to everyone reading this. I hope you like it!! Thanks a lot for your time! Hope y'all enjoy! Dont forget to vote and comment!
Love ya! Uwu

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