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"Y-you what?"Tears instantly rushed down my cheeks as I fell to my knees.

He was the only one I had, as a family.

"Y-yeah,"Taehyung's voice sounded broke and hurt. "I'll be there." I ended the call and covered my face with my palm, crying onto it. Jungkook who was calling my name wasn't heard.

All I could process was my own cries and Jun Myeon's face. Jungkook bent down as he embraced me in a hug, stroking my hair in a slow pace.

"What happened baby?"

"M-my b-br-brother died,"

"Oh." Jungkook muttered and pulled in for a tight hug as I sobbed on his wet shoulder. "Maybe he had done something terrible that god-"

"What terrible thing would he do Jungkook! I know him! It must have been that Killer!" I spat and stood up, wiping my unending tears. "I know but you can't be sure because he would have ki-"

"Don't say that about him!" My eyes glared straight into his, giving death glares at the fact he talked bad about my brother.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!" He yelled and pointed his finger at me. I scoffed as a tear rolled down my cheek. "I can't deal with you." Walking out of the room, I quickly kept racing to whichever room I could spot and entered it, closing the door behind me. That when I broke down again.

Knocks were heard on the door but I refused to reveal my weak side to him, especially after what he had told. I hated it when people talked bad about my brother.

It was true he wasn't my real brother, but I can't just lose him so easily. He has been taking care of me ever since I was young. "Open up!" Another knock erupted.

I rolled my eyes and pushed the tears away from my cheek, standing up. I had to go to my house. As much as I wanted to go back to Jungkook and cry on his shoulder, only Jun Myeon ran around my messed up mind right now.

At least let me see him.

Searching around the room, I found a window which I could escape from. I was more desperate to see my brother other than taking a note in the change of Jungkook's behaviour.

The knocks on the door were getting louder and louder each second that I had to cover my ears because of the disturbance. "I swear if you aren't going to open right now, I am going to-"

"Leave me alone!"  I shouted and walked towards the big dressing table,at the corner of the room. I didn't know why but I wanted to avoid Jungkook and his attitude towards me.

My hands met the two edges of the table as I transferred all the force into the table until it started to move forth. I placed it in front of the door where Jungkook was continuously banging on.

Now that Jungkook couldn't enter and yell at me, I dusted my hands together and stalked towards the window. The window had a lot of dust stuck onto the edges and looked like it was rusting.

A small sigh gushed out of my mouth and I popped my head outside, looking around. Since the window was already open, I had greater chances of escaping but I feared Jungkook would stop me from going. 

Well, he actually was acting weird.

My head bent down as I stared at the ground level beneath me. It was kind of high from what I expected it to be but I could give it a try. "Oh so you want to play," Jungkook voiced out which made me realize that Jungkook was still banging on that wooden door.

"Why the hell were you saying that to me? All this wouldn't have happened, if you didn't talk about my brother. I am going to meet Jun Myeon by jump-" I closed my mouth, realizing what I said.

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