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"Hey Jungkook!" I greeted him while applying my moisturizer. As soon as he greeted me back, I felt his presence on my bed. 

After all the playing with Jun Myeon, I decided to call Jungkook over to my house. I didn't feel like confronting Nara again or talking to Jimin either. Jun Myeon said he had a party with his friends tonight and he would come back tomorrow morning.

He didn't agree at first but after begging and pleading him to let Jungkook come over for once, he accepted. "What is so important to talk at 10'o clock?" Jungkook asked and rubbed the back of his neck and sat down on my bed. "I just wanted to talk to you. You are currently the only one I can depend on." I replied.

"What do you mean? You have your roommate hyung... well a hyung to me. You have Jimin and Nara if I'm saying the names right." 

"You're right." I turned to him with a sigh, "My roommate won't be home until tomorrow. Nara is busy and Jimin isn't in the country." 

When Nara's name left my mouth, I remembered her harsh actions towards me. It is still annoying that it was all because I touched her. 

The way she shouted at me in front of everyone, the way she yelled at me once more in the store before walking out and when she talked about me to Jimin. Even though Jimin did support me, I felt like he was just doing it to let Nara relax. 

I couldn't tell who was over reacting.

When Jimin talked to Nara on the call in the washroom, his words seemed as if he was forced to tell it. "Forget her." I mumbled to myself.

"Pardon?" Jungkook raised his brows asking me to repeat what I told.  "Can I ask you something?" I questioned. I thought distracting myself was a better idea so I went with it.

He nodded, "So.. where were you last night?" I asked carefully hoping I didn't trigger to remember something. "O-oh I was at home?" Jungkook stuttered nervously.

"I saw you leave your house at 12 in the midnight though. You're lying." 

"Wait! Were you spying on me?" He clenched his shirt in fake disbelief. "No I wasn't!" I spoke, and denied his claims, until he finally answered, "I was at my hyung's house as they invited me for a small party." 

His answer made half sense, half of me was not convinced. But I decided to let it go. 

Who cares anyway, it's his life. 

Silence filled the atmosphere and Jungkook broke it with a question, "No seriously, were you spying on me?" His orbs held clear mischief and weirdly, some anxiety

"Nope," I laughed it off. ", I was studying for a test, but your room light was on and I..well got a little curious." I confessed, knowing it was best if I did not mention the knives on his bed. 

He hummed understandably. With a few more seconds of silence, we stared at each other, communicating through our eyes about watching the TV . He giggled loudly, "I don't see a point in me coming here then," , mentioning about me wanting to watch TV. 

He had a point, maybe I just wanted company until Jun Myeon came back, especially after the incident of walking home with a stranger and scolded by Jun Myeon that really engraved temporary fear in me. 

I allowed Jungkook to keep talking about how useless it was for him to come here when we went to the living room for TV. He finally shut up when I reacted for the remote. 

Jungkook sipped on some banana milk I found in the kitchen to him to drink. I had a lot of bottles of banana milk, and gave Jungkook one. His doe like eyes begged for another one.

It was sad I couldn't control myself from falling for those mesmerizing cute doe eyes. I felt weak as heck.

'Today's news,
'Good morning people!-'

Jungkook growled and let his head fall sideways on the arm of the couch, realizing they were replaying the morning news. I sensed sadness in his eyes, but shrugged it off. For what lol?

A second later, the screen displayed the photo of young woman. 

', a 21 year old girl named Yu Jin was murdered brutally in her house. The police found the woman near the bathroom of her bedroom, with a shattered window and a bloody hammer.'

Close to three officers appeared and started to explain her state, stuff they didn't have to say. But sudden shock electrified me. Yu Jin? 

"Isn't she-"

"-my friend." Jungkook finished my sentence, tears standing at the edge of his eyes, like hanging onto the last inch of hope that his friend hadn't just been the victim of a serial killer. 

I couldn't imagine the pain this man must've felt. They looked really close when I visited his house, the whole incident must've been overwhelming. "I'm sorry, Jungkook." I spoke with regret. 

"It's okay," His tone lowered, holding no emotions and a face on the verge of breaking down. 

He blinked back a tear, but it escaped and slid down his cheek. Jungkook was quick enough to shy away from my stare and cupped his face into his own hands. 

I turned the TV off, cutting off the officer who still explained the whole scene he had witnessed. 

"Jungkook look at me," I voiced out tenderly. He refused to react, and went into fetal position, sniffling silently. I worriedly saw him sniffling every five seconds, pain bursting through my veins. 

I've never lost a loved one, but I could feel the amount the pain he must've carried when the news spread. 

"Come here." I extended my arms and he practically fell on me, hands instantly circling my waist. The physical contact flushed my face, but I shouldn't be thinking about it now. 

It was an awful moment to think he looked like a baby who had his candy stolen. My focus quickly went to Jungkook's face buried in the crook of my neck. 

He was sniffling, holding in cries. I wished I hadn't chose to turn the TV on at one point. 

Please yeet me. 

I heaved a deep silent breath and caressed his back slowly. "It's going to be okay.." I spoke, and my hand went up to his hair without realizing. My fingers brushed his hair back with care. 

[ Jungkook's POV ] 

I felt her hands on my hair, brushing it back slowly. 

It's not going to be okay.

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